Alexander Kulchitsky
In different regions different attitude to the historical past, cultural heritage, language, religion, development prospects, etc. The difference of the Ukrainian and Russian mentality even use advertisers. Take, for example, a phrase often used in our advertising, "Why pay more?". This phrase emphasizes thrift, inherent to the Ukrainian people. It is unlikely that the same resonance it take on a momentum at home "open Russian the soul. " Another feature of the Ukrainian ethnos – distrust and suspicion. It was "thanks" to fail this quality advertising campaigns, an idea which is based on the opinion of an authoritative person, often Star of television.
For the Ukrainian authority will be more successful neighbor, but not theatrical diva. In summary, we note once more the main features of the Ukrainian mentality. First, the spiritual connection with the environment of the Ukrainians habitat. 'Attachment to particular areas or localities within their borders … – E.
Smith writes – is a mythical and subjective. For ethnic identity and attachment are more important association than life on this land or its possession. " Second, the rule of individualism over collectivism, that mark almost all the researchers of this phenomenon. Wrote Alexander Kulchitsky, 'our personalism much more than in Western Europe, was directed toward the introverted grooves into the inner world of personal experience. Third, the rule of emotion over rationality, feelings over intellect, 'heart' of the 'head' – kordotsentrizm, especially in philosophy, which is quite a lot of talk today Ukrainian historians of philosophy. Fourth, some social fatalism, that is, belief in the automaticity of the historical process, which implies the constant care of the small group, seven abstaining from participation in solving serious social and political problems.