The Materials
We could call him this promotion of a preventative health accounting, financial, or legal. In all three cases, such preventive health promotion would be extremely attractive and in addition would mean a good strategy to maintain presence in the mind of your prospects or customers. After all means diversify benefits package always orienting them to offer solutions and not to dry where you, as customer can see reflected a problem or personal opportunity, and services that responds to the key question: what is there for me? This is only an example. few more things they can be deployed? The sky is the limit. Simply having imagination and study the market. understand what people are looking for and provided it properly. Utility of having a site publication of a newsletter or articles on financial, accounting or legal culture.Including a free basic manual or a glossary of terms technical, explained in a simple and entertaining way, that allow a simple but practical knowledge. Case studies.Description of the process of working with a client in which are shown clearly the background, the strategy employed and the positive results achieved.
Customer testimonials.To strengthen credibility and confidence. In almost all these cases using multimedia resources would give advantages, because the materials would be more attractive and dynamic. A podcast, for example, with the tip or tip of the week for an accounting, financial, or legal culture-building would be an implementation simple and easy to produce. Personally I have not found anything similar to this, except in financial services and mainly produced by banks, brokerage houses, and some blogs about personal finance. Would in summary the benefits of using internet to sell services be based on: generate exposure. Generate credibility. Extend the offer and describe it without restrictions, aporvechando in addition the multimedia resources to make it more explicit and interesting. Enable a more direct contact, promote communication and retroalimentacioncon customers and prospects at a very low cost. Something that traditional advertising can do.