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Month: November 2014



AMGWAgency Cumple 10 Years in the Market The agency leader in Miami turns his tenth anniversary of operation MIAMI next the 12 of April of 2011 AMGWagency, public agency of trade and relations leader in Miami fulfills ten years of operations in the South of Florida the agency is specialized in representing clients specialized including the industry of the fashion, hotel profession, real estate, bank and other consumer goods. In the past decade, his executive president and propietary Edward de Valle II, has constructed a created global network from zero and at the moment includes service of purchase of means, creative services, public relations and much more. Preparing itself for the following decade, the agency will be sending its new corporative image on the occasion of the ten years in the market. The company was founded the 12 of April of 2001 as a company of average purchase of cradle in a space of 46,45 ms of the apartment where Of Valley, from a writing-desk bought in the store Staples de Coral Gables by $55, it attended its clients including Seneca College, Dior Latin Parfums America and Hugo Boss. Thanks to its great ethics of work, Of Valley it could abrir his first office in Miami in the 2002. Of it continued its growth and profits there, increasing its customer while it established the global presence of the company through alliances that during the following years grew to employ 162 people including partners at local and international level. In the 2009 Of Valley it decided to separate of the majority of its international partners with the idea to focus completely in its clients who complemented their vision to future with AMGWagency. At the present time AMGWagency in my sense has the more solid work party in the industry, outlined Of Valley.



At the latest when the X te application was written, is often played with the idea to become self-employed. The time for this is good, because entrepreneurs times are times of crisis. Nevertheless basic thoughts about this step must be made, because there many founders fail. KfW has conducted an investigation and found that the founder type has changed. There used to be mainly chance founder. These were well prepared and confident their founding. Due to the current situation, there is a growing scene of emergency founder. Unfortunately however is the project often thoughtlessly. Here, help and support is imperative. The founder himself who has to consider his is first considerations in advance In the Centre. Can remote – or night school something else to be laid or match the technical knowledge. In addition to the professional, commercial awareness is important. Own operation must be managed and be ensured, that the turnover is. Furthermore, must Taxes are paid and above all must be a marketing concept, because nothing works without new customers. Your team is this understood, should be searched for support. The question whether this can support a part which does work or possibly occurs the young company to success – by an income arises in the life partner. Promotion and assistance ARGE founder with non-reimbursable grants and the KfW promotes also a generous coaching and the granting of home loans. Yet should a founder, depending on the project, something on the high edge”have to overcome hard times. Personal factors it play a role to a successful company to operate but yet personal factors: assertiveness, diligence, an optimistic attitude to life, courage, perseverance and thoroughness. Addressed these points with Yes, chances are already significantly improved. The final hurdle is the bad statistics, indicating that the Founder until the success about three years must have patience. The promotion of the employment agency but only nine months. Worse, the day on which the business registration on the table lies but is still not a customer point of view. Under the motto “Independent but not alone” Saedi marketing promises help for start-ups. Help is nearby it starts at a prior consulting, discusses possible support measures. The company supports the business, produces business plans and coaches the founder by KfW funding. Thus be avoided threatening error, used funding and there is a companion to economic success. But that doesn’t mean that the founder that is all-round protection and can put your hands in your lap. Because without personal initiative, diligence and entrepreneurial spirit of the founders will remain here without success. The available options are like a bicycle but occur you must. Information about this on or on the informative Founder pages of ARGE the Chamber of Commerce and the KfW.

Turkish Textile Entrepreneurs

Turkish Textile Entrepreneurs

Site agency threads meeting production and innovation round 30 well-known textile entrepreneurs from Turkey were at the invitation of the location of Tubingen Reutlingen Zollernbahn Abbey agency late September for three days in the Neckar-ALB region. They made contacts with local businesses and informed themselves about the textile programmes in Reutlingen and Albstadt-Sigmaringen. Technical textiles with a visit of the Rokona textile plant in Tubingen and the needle manufacturer Groz-Beckert in town were in the foreground of the trip. Learned during her visit”from Turkey the region as a location for the textile and clothing industry the big players know. The mesh Museum in Albstadt location Agency, Neckar-ALB organised a meeting with textile entrepreneurs from Neckar-ALB, where has been talking about possible cooperation.

The research came not too short: both scientific backgrounds and their textile courses presented the guests the University Albstadt – Sigmaringen as well the University of Reutlingen. Experts among themselves the Advantage of us is Turkish textile entrepreneurs, that we are closer to Europe than China. Murat Tosunoglu, an entrepreneur from the Turkish Denizli explains much better, we understand the mentality”. He speaks german and English and has 300 employees producing antistatic fabrics mainly upholstery fabrics but also in his yarn-spinning and yarn dyeing plant. The textile industry is still the largest exporter of Turkey. But even where manufacturers need to attract warm and keep eyes and ears open for new trends which is why they came in such large numbers Neckar-ALB.

Textile region Neckar-ALB means textile tradition and the future in the Neckar-ALB region. With 15,000 employees, 220 textile companies and two universities specialized Neckar-ALB in the global competition, the region plays an important role. The leading position owes the region brands such as Hugo Boss, MarcCain, Sanetta, Mey or Rosch and other leading international companies such as the system supplier of needles Groz-Beckert, the textile chemistry suppliers CHT or the textile machinery manufacturer Stoll. A focus is the global growth market of technical textiles. Their share is now already almost half of the total textile sales.

Federal Government

Federal Government

Standards Board of the Federal Government so far without effect SME barometer: State bureaucracy always still the biggest burden for entrepreneurs Berlin, 27.01.2009 – bureaucracy and Government regulations are modeled after the survey of the German SME barometer is still considered the biggest burden for the entrepreneurial existence. In this area, as well as in tax and tax burden relief must be created despite the Super election year 2009 as soon as possible\”, Professor Michael Lancaster by the Research Centre for SMEs, BVMW President Mario Ohoven and Arno Probst require the BDO Deutsche Warentreuhand AG in the foreword to the study. Medium-sized companies would have to meet in Germany approximately 10,500 German and European obligations. Although the Federal Government set up a new program, which should relieve the medium-sized companies to 100 million euro through 24 projects, still assessing the conditions decreases each year is very slow. By unnecessary Bureaucracy is restricted mainly to the growth of small – and medium-sized enterprises; because it takes much time and money and thus slows down the economic activity. Here, he could help small business Act of the European Commission. The bureaucracy should be reduced through this aid package and in particular for small enterprises should until 2010 administrative requirements be reduced, so that the costs to a quarter,\”according to the analysis of the SME barometer. With the introduction of the national of Standards Board, the Federal Government let while measuring the administrative costs, but also these measures don’t feel the medium-sized companies in their everyday business. The tape report, which was submitted to the Federal Cabinet in December 2008 by the competent Minister of State in the Federal Chancellery, Hermann Grohe, shows how hard the Administration with the subject of bureaucracy does himself. In an authority mirror interview on the subject of Johnson, announced that after the multi-year measurements of the bureaucracy burden during the economic are completed, now starts the measurement of the citizens.

Reduced Fuel Consumption

Reduced Fuel Consumption

Before you try, you need to know the circumstances of high consumption gramotno measure consumption of gasoline, and only then try this to reduce consumption. If the car breaks down, then almost exactly, will spend a much greater amount of fuel. If you know that fuel starts to increase, then check serviceability and cleanliness of ducts and gasoline filters. How well your motor running, mozhno determine the value of replacing the CD. If you want to learn the correct consumption of gasoline required to fill the tank completely, set the speedometer to 0, to pass, about 5 km and return to the top frame. Again, only this time measuring flask, pour a full tank again. Amount of gasoline that you fill the tank at this time and will be the consumption of gasoline.

The increase in fuel consumption can influence and other reasons, and not just a faulty car. This furnace and air conditioner, they use fuel, as usual, more. Completely overloaded cars, too, makes it so that gas mileage increases. Periodical increase in the speed and braking and frequent idling in traffic jams could increase wasting gasoline to 130 percent. In order to directly observe and if necessary, get rid of the growth in fuel consumption, monitor the quality of the wheels do not upset a similarity collapse, whether the tire pressure. Watch for how the car behaves at idle, do not upset the dynamics of a car.

Look reel machines, which of course will tell about the state of running your car. If you want to reduce fuel consumption, which would see car was running fine, does not load it with unnecessary things, try to avoid traffic jams, consider your actions, so that as little as possible to stop. When driving do not pull your car frequent dispersal. Preheat the car must be up to the place as soon as the temperature needle is moved up, but has not reached a critical point.

Water Consumption

Water Consumption

Realised studies indicate that when not consuming sufficient amount of water they increase the deposits of fat and when increasing the consumption of water these deposits fall, that is to say that the consumption of sufficient (8 glasses) of water helps to lower of weight. 3. To make exercise, returns from the work walking, raises stairs, bajalas, loads the bags of the purchases, begins some sport, although he is bowling. (Exercise 45 Minutes daily Recommended) 4. Different Vistete, renews hairdo, maquillate, to increase to the self-esteem and will to achieve your objective ” To lower of Peso”. 5. It buys a good footwear and comfortable for you support the feet when walking and to be able to have but yield at the time of making exercises well. 6.

It replaces the exits to eat by other exits for example to go to play bowling, to watch show windows, something that is for doing and not eating nor to drink. 7. It establishes your goals and it takes to a registry of each food/diet that these doing, you controlled your food ingestion/calories and would obtain your goal easily. 8. Acuerdate to breathe, to breathe deep, the air is the main food, stops smoking if these doing and realises deep breathings outdoors, takes care of your air of polluting agents.

9. A relation with your body like your partner or companion begins, takes brings back to consciousness that it is the temple of your soul, the vehicle by which you can live in this planet. 10.

Welding Consumable Electrode

Welding Consumable Electrode

Welding consumable electrode is the most common method of arc welding because of the simplicity of the process. At the same time in orbital welding, this process is the least manageable in terms of stability penetration of metal at the root of the weld and splashing in the formation of surfacing passes because of the need to change the position of the burner. Svyazanoeto with the fact that the opportunities for regulation of separate receipt of electrode metal into the molten pool and regulation of the energy characteristics of the arc on the melting of the base metal is extremely limited. Found that the most significant factor in management energy characteristics of the arc for the guaranteed kapleperenosa is about touching a drop of bath surface, which is characteristic of the welding process with a short circuit (SC), a drop of the arc gap. This process is managed kapleperenosa (PPC) involves three stages: reduction (off) current at the time of touching a drop of bath surface; supply current pulse after a certain time after contact and an increase in current after bridge the gap. The stability of the process (every drop goes in the bath at the first touch) primarily affects the contact area of the drop with the surface of the bath.

For a small contact area of the force of the pinch effect (if current moment of contact) is faster than the growing strength of the surface energy (surface tension) – one of the major forces in the process of absorption droplets weld pool. Increased surface tension forces promotes the separation of droplets of electrode metal, but it prevents the absorption of the weld pool. Therefore, surface tension forces during welding with controlled heat and mass can change during the welding process with short circuit. It was established experimentally that the mensheobem drops, the less time is necessary for narrowing the drop to the optimal size to form a jumper wire t zone – drop. If there are current at the moment Touch the time restriction increases, so the start time impulse current (or time delay impulse since touching a drop of bath surface) should be set depending on the volume of each drop electrode metal.

Squares Consumption

Squares Consumption

In Brazil, its installation is associated with the process of modernization of the country, demonstrated for the sped up taxes of urbanization and industrialization in the end of the decade of 1950 and in elapsing of the posterior decades. In 1966 the first one in So Paulo was constructed, the Shopping Center Iguatemi, introducing a new modality of commercial center in the city, generally installed in regions next the consumers to high income. From years 80, these enterprises had gained visibility national, passing for a process of popularizao and expansion in sped up rhythm, being able already to be considered ' ' new centralidades urbanas' ' (PRONIN, 2004:241). According to given of the ABRASCE (Brazilian Association of Shopping Centers, established in 1976) until the end of this year already will be more than 400 units spread for the country. Many of shoppings traditional remain destined to the greater users generally purchasing power, fact related to its localization in traditionally nobler regions. However, searching new consumers, in the last few decades, adaptations make possible that they were become enlarged for different regions that they were turned toward users of other social levels, but still thus remaining the exclusion of great parcel of the society to if basing on the consumption power as possibility of access to this space As Padilha (2005) what we observe today is a hibridismo, therefore shoppings had left to function to only take care of consumption demands, following the logic of accumulation through the transformation of elements of daily the urban one in merchandise had started to also exert the paper of main points of meeting and polar regions of leisure and services in the city contemporary. ' ' Squares of meeting, cinemas, expositions of art, banks, academies of gymnastics, schools and until centers of sade' ' they are found in these centers. It enters the strategies of this market is the increment of the activities of leisure and the services to attract the frequency and the consumption.