Communitarian Organization
Executive actions of the City department of Environment considering actions developed up to 2008, demands and perspectives for 2009 the Municipal City hall of Oiapoque come developing, through the Secretariat of Half Environment some relative activities Fiscalizao and Ambient Monitoramento of bars, houses nocturnal, deforestation and assoreamento of rivers; Educative actions of Combat the Pollution; Podagem de rvores de Public Vias; beyond promoting the functioning improvised of the Ambient Library. It is expectation of the new executive management, to give solution to the serious problem of the system of garbage collection in the city, whose precariousness has generated great insatisfao in the population, and wronged excessively the urbanstica maintenance, public health and the tourist activity in the city. Until January of 2009, only one truck made all the garbage collection of the city, causing great intervals of time enters the collect of the residues of a quarter to another one, arriving to accumulate periods of up to 45 days between a collection and another one in the same region. VII CONSIDERAES TECHNIQUES the city of Oiapoque lives a transistion moment currently politics where the new managers will have great challenges in the confrontation of the socioambientais questions gifts in daily the urban one of the city. The inoperncia of the public power in satisfying the necessities of the population generated serious problems that if had augmented with the time and had corroborated for the state of urban chaos where today the city meets. However, it is important to point out mainly that measured simple and emergent they can modify the medium and long run this condition, in what the Urban Support says respect and to the Environment. In this direction, it are developed a socioambiental study to diagnosis the greaters problematic and to direct possible actions. In the done boardings the inhabitants of some quarters of the Infraero city, New Union, Center, Paradise, Russian and District of Clevelndia of the North and, having still the parameter of the comment, the absence of Public Politics come back the promotion of the Urban Support was evident, mainly with respect to Conservation of the Natural resources, Arborizao and Paisagismo, Reaproveitamento de Materiais Recycle and Communitarian Organization of Hortas, being these, emergent demands for the planning of executive actions of the new municipal management. .