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Month: November 2015

Communitarian Organization

Communitarian Organization

Executive actions of the City department of Environment considering actions developed up to 2008, demands and perspectives for 2009 the Municipal City hall of Oiapoque come developing, through the Secretariat of Half Environment some relative activities Fiscalizao and Ambient Monitoramento of bars, houses nocturnal, deforestation and assoreamento of rivers; Educative actions of Combat the Pollution; Podagem de rvores de Public Vias; beyond promoting the functioning improvised of the Ambient Library. It is expectation of the new executive management, to give solution to the serious problem of the system of garbage collection in the city, whose precariousness has generated great insatisfao in the population, and wronged excessively the urbanstica maintenance, public health and the tourist activity in the city. Until January of 2009, only one truck made all the garbage collection of the city, causing great intervals of time enters the collect of the residues of a quarter to another one, arriving to accumulate periods of up to 45 days between a collection and another one in the same region. VII CONSIDERAES TECHNIQUES the city of Oiapoque lives a transistion moment currently politics where the new managers will have great challenges in the confrontation of the socioambientais questions gifts in daily the urban one of the city. The inoperncia of the public power in satisfying the necessities of the population generated serious problems that if had augmented with the time and had corroborated for the state of urban chaos where today the city meets. However, it is important to point out mainly that measured simple and emergent they can modify the medium and long run this condition, in what the Urban Support says respect and to the Environment. In this direction, it are developed a socioambiental study to diagnosis the greaters problematic and to direct possible actions. In the done boardings the inhabitants of some quarters of the Infraero city, New Union, Center, Paradise, Russian and District of Clevelndia of the North and, having still the parameter of the comment, the absence of Public Politics come back the promotion of the Urban Support was evident, mainly with respect to Conservation of the Natural resources, Arborizao and Paisagismo, Reaproveitamento de Materiais Recycle and Communitarian Organization of Hortas, being these, emergent demands for the planning of executive actions of the new municipal management. .



Repurchase echoed entire counties and provinces. For three centuries, vodka, and with it a tavern, are firmly rooted in Russia. "Around 1552 all Muscovy, in the whole Russian land was only one tavern, standing at the Baltschug. At the end of the xvii century in each city was one yard. In the xix century taverns spread through the villages and countryside. In 1852, public houses – 77,838 in 1859 – 87 388 and, finally, after 1863 their number increased by about six times, passed over half a million. " So gradually we have upgraded at the gene level. By the beginning of xx century in Russia formed a dangerous style of drinking, when alcohol is consumed almost exclusively by a strong drinks, one-time shock doses (gulp).

The prevailing style of consumption of vodka in one gulp and did even infrequent consumption is very dangerous. Gorbachev in 1985-1987. tried hard to reduce the restrictive measures production and consumption of alcohol in the country. On the one hand, were initially obtained very positive results. Alcohol consumption decreased to 11.5 liters per person per year. For the first time in many years mortality was decline and life expectancy – to grow. By 1987, life expectancy for men increased by 3.2 years.

At the same time revealed a horrifying picture of an almost biological need for a large part of the nation in Alcohol: all over the country people are literally dushilis in huge queues had become a deficit of vodka, sugar, yeast. Blossomed moonshine. Enormous budget deficit, caused an ecological catastrophe on the Chernobyl, the earthquake in Armenia, the shortfall was supplemented by the traditional "drunk" the money deposited in the hands of newly-minted alcohol mafia. These and other circumstances have forced the then leaders of the country in 1988 Collapse alcohol reform. Liberal economic reforms launched Gaydar in 1992, led to the fact that Russia is literally reached "bottom" in the consumption of alcohol. In 1994-1995. alcohol consumption in the country reached the highest for history of the country level – 15-18 liters per person per year. During these years, marked by an unusually high mortality in Russia. Extinct large number of individuals abusing alcohol, including those whose lives have been saved anti-alcohol campaign 80; ies. However, as in the past four centuries, the legal drug alcohol these days continues to be a means of replenishment. In many developed countries, but not in Russia, fiscal policy is given a certain truth, that no proceeds from the sale of alcohol does not cover the total damage caused by its consumption and the health of the nation's economy.

Study Group

Study Group

The monthly average income of the individual of this group is of U$ 3,352, 06 and is in (8.0%) the percentage of Portuguese tourists who possess Brazilian proper residence in ground. Table 03: Study of the Portuguese tourist group (2008) Young Categories of Anlise% Sort Masculino60,6 (32 the 40) 28,8 Composition of the Group (Alone) 42,7 diverse Motivations (other 46,2 reasons) Type of Lodging (houses of friends or relatives) 43,8 Option for $fortaleza-CE in relation the Nacional9,1 Demand Source: Personal elaboration (database: National secretariat of Politics of the Tourism, the 2010) tourist group of U.S.A., in its majority, is composed for men (64.7%), between 41 and 50 years (25.7%), with monthly average individual income of U$ 5,824, 77; with superior and complete academic level (46.2%) they are motivated, in its trip, for diverse desires (other reasons) (47.0%). The American north takes up quarters in general in hotels, flats or put (46.6%) (5.0%) of them they possess proper residence in Brazil. When motivated for the leisure the north American they look for in about (33.7%) sun and abundant beaches, others (23.7%) search to admire the local culture. On average they spend daily with the personal leisure U$ 93,72 and in businesses, events and conventions U$ 147,65. Table 04: Study of the tourist group American north (2008) Adult Categories of Anlise% Sort Masculino64,7 (the 41 50 25,7 years) Composition of the Group (Alone) 53,7 diverse Motivations (other 47 reasons) Type of Lodging (hotels, flats and inns) 46,6 Option for $fortaleza-CE in relation the NacionalZero Demand Source: Personal elaboration (database: National secretariat of Politics of the Tourism, the 2010) Dutch tourist group is characterized for being of masculine majority (65.4%), alone (38.6%) and average age in 41 and 50 years (26.3%); however, the same research evidenced an increasing trend of adhesion of the dutch feminine sort in the practical one of the tourist activity.