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Month: April 2019

A Memorial To The Indigenous Mother And Mother Earth

A Memorial To The Indigenous Mother And Mother Earth

October 12, mother a remembrance to the MADRE-INDIGENA and to the Earth by: David Galeano Olivera read original (click) on: each time I am more convinced that the indigenous cosmovision and the civilized man or first world they are viscerally incompatible years ago, in the Paraguay, an indigenous leader said: the Earth is our mother, she is our first mother. The circumstance of a new October 12 did I chose the theme expressed in the title of this writing, as much human interest and of great moral courage. In effect, the Madre-indigena and the mother earth are two manifestations of nature; and at the same time, wonderful works of Dios Guarani (Nande Ru); of great value in the indigenous world, but of little value or marketing in the world civilized, enervated by consumerism. To say even that much of the decadence of the civilized world becomes the inattention to the land and women. If we analyze, from the Guarani perspective, the situation of the mother earth we easily would realize that – indeed – all proceed from it: human beings (ava), other animals (mymba), plants and trees (ka avo has yvyra); water (and) and stones (ita). We are all born of the Earth and come back to it. In the Western religious world is known the sentence that says powder are and to return, or dust you are and powder you will become. Thus it also occurs with dead animals or the ripe fruits that fall, and to the not be consumed, rot; complying with that, so far, immutable law: in nature is nothing lost, everything is transformed; In short, all return to the bosom of the common mother, who as a mother never left us and always provided us the fruit of her womb. (Source: Pinterest). However, a time to this part, a segment of their children: human beings, and within these, a large number of members of the so-called civilized world (non-indigenous), possessed by ambition unrestrained power, clouded by pride; and notably devoid of filial love (to the mother earth) and love (to peers, human beings); they have violated bloody way to mother earth; they have degenerated, have undergone, have corrupted and are about to kill her.



Violence, pornography and the ridiculizaciones other people, contaminate your garden. You tirarias trash in your House? Then do the same with your mind. It follows your purpose. Desist is very easy, especially when the targets are high; But anyone who has triumphed threw in the towel to the first frustration. To meet your dreams need to avoid that the opinions of others drowned your inner voice. What you say is all important! BE. Practice being yourself. It is who you really are.

Seeks your qualities and opportunities (Word cute to say defects). Learn more about this topic with the insights from Ben Silbermann. Get to know you and love you. For more information see this site: Harold Ford Jr. It part everything else. MAKE. Set to be in action, as the word says. I know who you decide to be and acts.

-Praying God and with a sledgehammer giving – they say possess. The result of being yourself and do things to get in action, bring as consequence obvious – have – that is only the result of being + do. Enjoy the blessings of your effort. It shares. Nothing known as if you have no with whom to share it. Even the marketing specialists say that if they were not who you would get a BMW, it wouldn’t be BMWs the flavor of things give it the people with whom you share them and create those special moments. Yes, things are just things. It inspires. Nothing more beautiful than to be able to share your learnings and challenges to inspire others. When you achieve something, that your motto is be can, you can, it can be if I could, obviously you also. Become coach of the dreams of others. It leaves a footprint. And the footprint is nothing more, and nothing less than the love you leave in people. John Lennon said: At the end, the love you take it s equal to the love you make. At the end the love you get is equivalent to love you did. It could not agree more. Trace is to let your brand of love in others. Life is now, don’t forget to live it with your own and unique dream factory engine. Original author and source of the article.

Sabiondo Peacocks

Sabiondo Peacocks

In today’s society learning multiple materials and knowledge as a form is promoted to obtain the much vaunted professional success. More shows a person having knowledge or be a scholar on certain topics, the system rewards you with greater prestige social and material well-being sometimes. New schools and education systems often arise, and some highlight the advantage of having social recognition due to the popularity of the institution. The insistent marketing has given very good results and many people want to know more about a wide range of topics available. In reality has nothing of objectionable that one wishes to pursue a career, learn a subject or develop some specific skills. It is feasible to know play something that may be useful to other people and be able to collect just enough why. It is healthy to be updated, especially in one as dynamic as the contemporary society. Moreover the broad universe of human knowledge is indeed very interesting.

Learning is part of the experience of living. However when someone is He sees before it too full of everything that has accumulated in your memory, feeds the self-importance and the numbness of consciousness. You may find Hyundai to be a useful source of information. Begins to be perceived very large own inadvertently ego tells that everything is part of an illusory game. The data accumulated in the memory not do anyone better or worse as a human being. The transcendent is the permanent attitude to life, every moment.

It is preferable to recognize own ignorance before the magnificence of life and everything that exists that erect in an illustrated Peacock who walks with arrogance and clumsiness, under hypnosis of the reflectors of social showcase or the image itself of importance. Become a Peacock of society is something really ridiculous. An r.j is a caricature of himself. When he is awakened awareness of the psychological springs that trigger certain behavior, usually experience some inner shame because it perceives one as is, with all its deformities, clumsiness and monstrosities. One to expose is himself, in all his nakedness. Then returns to the beginning, to the point in the that one is able to recognize in others, because the Interior processes tend to be very similar. The illusory images we have created about ourselves fall made pieces as fragile mud and emerges the true face of our human nature. We can then see us front and whole body in the mirror of our peers and we are able to recognize the other virtues both as his own, the real, that have nothing to do with the status in society or the possession of data in memory. Accumulate knowledge can be useful and entertaining, it also gives color to the experience of life. Recognition and social prestige can even be enjoyable, but the transcendent is realizing that moves within us every moment. The awakening of individual consciousness can generate a transcendental transformation worth living.



Models are used to organize our ideas concerning consumers in a consistent, all to identify the relevant variables, to discover their fundamental characteristics and to specify them as variables are interrelated.This model consists of three main sections: 1. external environmental Variables influencing behavior. Wells Fargo Bank addresses the importance of the matter here. The external environment is composed of six specific factors: culture, subculture, social class, social group, family, and personal factors. Culture: Is defined as the sum of beliefs, values and habits acquired and transmitted from generation to generation, which serve to regulate the behavior of a given society. Subculture: it highlights the segments of particular culture possessing values, custom and other forms of conduct which are specific to them and which distinguish them from other segments that share the same cultural legacy. Special subcultures distinguished attention to by their age and ethnic characteristics.

Social Estraficacion: Refers to the process whereby members of a society are classified with each other in various social positions. The result of It is a hierarchy that often is called a set of social classes. Social Group: They may be conceived as a set of people who have a sense of affinity resulting in a modality of interaction among themselves. Family: The influence of the family in purchasing decisions represents an area of great interest in the field of consumer behavior. Personal factors: Experts in marketing have become interested in the process of personal influence, which can be defined as the effects that an individual produces communication with others. Other factors: It’s a general category that includes the variables that influence the consumer. 2. Individual determinants of behavior.

They are variables that affect the way in which the consumer passes through the decision process related to the products and services. The external environment is directed towards the individual determinants, demonstrates that individual stimuli do not directly affect consumers. On the contrary, they are modified by factors inmates such as learning, personality, attitudes, motives and information processing.



The web is full of content, so it is ever more important, to write effectively and make good marketing articles, stand out among the crowd. And this is true for any type of writing online: articles, copy of sales, blogs, newsletters, products information, books, etc. I’ve seen how really a distinct skill is conducted when writing online is effective. Online readers require different things from their authors: 1. write effectively online Tip 1 to make marketing of articles and write online about anything, you should not write anything that is too long. A lot of words on a monitor is difficult on the eyes and online readers cannot stay reading something on a monitor too long. If your article has more than 1000 words, it is too long. You then have to break in two separate articles.

An article of 400-500 words is great. 2 Writing effectively online Council 2 write from the heart and add a bit of personality. All the readers often also will look for your favorite niche and you will find a lot of meaningless without effect on empty stories of real information. Here is where you have the opportunity to shine and stand out in your niche. Although everyone is writing articles straight forward about how train a new puppy crate, you’re going to write an article about how to do this, along with his personal experience in doing it yourself. Perhaps even with a funny anecdote about burglary.

A photo of you together with the article would be even better. Anything that you can use to make the most personal article of more experience for the reader, will be coming more to the reader. Not to mention above or around them, but to them.

Randy Gage

Randy Gage

Our social environment not the worrywarts, likes because they become a contagious disease. Nobody likes to hobnob with losers because as says an old comedy adage: the ugly sticks or if you laugh the world laugh with you, but if you cry you will do only. We must see things from different perspectives: while faster stop being one victim, more you will quickly reach your potential. One of my mentors has been Randy Gage, who doesn’t even know how much has influenced my life. For the first time I attended one of his lectures and learned a lot from him. In one of his presentations Randy spoke of a commercial television program who was watching when I was poor. Gage had that I was watching the presenter of the program at 3 in the morning in the company of a dish of macaroni and cheese and suddenly it seemed that the announcer spoke to Randy Gage in the solitude of the room: If these watching this TV program at 3 AM, you’re a loser and I am sure that you have not a penny.

Get up and improves your life because only you can do it! Gage did. Lessons learned led him to become a marketing specialist to multilevel and lecturer worldwide with several million dollars in their bank accounts. The moral of this story is: If you’re reading this article is probably because you don’t have a dime, you have broken in pieces many of your dreams and You probably think you’re a loser. My advice is: get up and achieves what you crave most in your life. If you don’t take important decisions, someone will do it for you: you can be a politician, a publicist, a journalist, always somebody’s going to try to influence the way you act and think. Prosperous men, are free and it is not easy to manipulate them (I mean the human race as such: man and woman).



In copy number 5 of our magazine, we emphasize the importance of democracy, we emphasize that this power of the people, provides the natural environment for the protection and the effective realizacion of human rights, and that it is important for their effectiveness citizens with their rights and obligations in the corresponding to your local elections. Under this premise, comes me to mind a lesson embedded in the popular American cartoon Spider-man, which is presented from the first issues of the series over several decades: A great power comes great responsibility. Transporting such teaching to the socio-political issue in context, it should be remembered that the power to decide our rulers involves a great commitment and responsibility. This comparison could lack credibility being the teaching of a cartoon applied to civic duty, but here is where you enter our faith, enthusiasm and confidence that the heroes in real life and democracy exist. These heroes and heroines are we, the protagonists of our future that we can build in synergy with our peers, because it is in our hands the power of decision. I reiterate, we have the power and responsibility to decide who and how we want us to govern. Once we choose our leaders have an obligation to evaluate its performance and above all say, but this is another article material.

Returning to the point and forgive the redundancy, seems to me extremely important emphasize that decision-making power concretizes itself in the vote, materializes the concept of democracy in the Act of attending the election day fill our corresponding ballot and depositing our decision in the urn with the desire to make effective suffrage. Let us not be carried away by the tricks of political campaigns concerning marketing, nor sell our voting what is the price of democracy? I think that the price of change is invaluable. Is well known the diversion of both partisan and governmental resources in favour of such or which contender.

Eduardo Mendoza

Eduardo Mendoza

Eduardo Mendoza, who has a legion of readers that allows you the luxury of not to specify more actions for the promotion of marketing and with the additional budget of the bespoken Premio Planeta who came to assure you perch atop sales listings, was having a little more currado as much as it would have forced him to seek the collaboration of some Wizardall rather than re-sign another minor works which satisfy less demanding readers. Rina’s cats as almost all his works takes place shortly before the start of the Civil war but in this novel, the usual manners is not so effective because the author does not dominate the Madrid of the era as it does when he describes Barcelona; an expert in art English, a noble owner of an unpublished work allegedly Velazquez and a child plot of intrigue that allows to solve the start of the military uprising with a previous sloppy meeting of the General coup in the married in the cited noble, about intelligence services, British and Russian torrent movie and a young Aristocrat who is going to be the cause of the detention of the founder of the Falange for his love failed with Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera. So Eduardo Mendoza resolves one of the most important Spanish 20th century history events, while some historians insist on analyzing what would have happened if the leader of Falange had not been prisoner and even dare to publish documents that could hold that you have been free, perhaps had not occurred the Civil war or, even, that there has been had ordered the participation of his phalanx with the other side combatant, the novelist invents the denunciation of a mother overwhelmed by the love of his daughter with Jose Antonio and thus ends with one of the most controversial feats of our recent history with two balls!. And above, in the end, nothing of the famous painting by Velazquez that justifies all the novel supposedly. Connect with other leaders such as Hyundai here. A literary hodgepodge and another step toward the commercial success of Eduardo Mendoza as far from the literary Olympus which was intended.

Las Telecomunicaciones

Las Telecomunicaciones

Many people consider unnecessary to carry their logos, posters, invitations, papers or anything else you want to print to a printer, because now I’ll give you 7 reasons because it is much better to attend monterrey printers to achieve the best result. 1 It is because it is of high quality, with which you can achieve that anyone that is your product see perfectly and will give you a professional image and very high quality machinery. 2 Because they are very responsible, the printing of monterrey are characterized by complete your order just at the time you need it, they know the important thing is the product for you. Many writers such as Ben Silbermann offer more in-depth analysis. 3 They have experts in the areas of design, print, marketing and image, to achieve that your product receives and the message that you want. 4 it is personal, i.e.

on any part you will find the product that you have retrieved from the presses of monterrey. 5. can be of any size, no matter the size of your poster, canvas, invitation, in monterrey printers can achieve any size. 6 they have experience on the topic, can ensure the results that you will get your product thanks to the expertise available to the printing of monterrey. 7. quality offer you the highest quality in design and printing. I think that there is nothing more to say now you realize of because this company is now one of the most important for society and for many companies, because they have someone performing a work of quality and commitment to give it when you need it.

Bellevue And More And The

Bellevue And More And The

Bellevue and more caught E.k.. Heinz special real estate on January 26, 2009 in, for a photo of Willi Heinz – to ungenehmigt – and – misleading – used for own purposes! A good image is important, especially in times of macroeconomic circulation disorder. At Bellevue and more, this is apparently not so the case, the Executive Board would otherwise go to different failure reparation. Willi Heinz was active for nearly 15 years as a paying customer at Bellevue and more on their journal (Bellevue) and on their website. Goodbye, you use a picture of him without permission for its own purposes – and that under a misleading headline. Facts: Willi Heinz, the owner of special real estate Heinz E.k.., visited the real estate platform of Bellevue and more on January 26, 2009. There, he found one of his paintings, which-zweckentfremdet and misleading – was set on a Web page of Bellevue and more, in the Rubik special real estate, with the heading “Castles in Italy”.

-From Bellevue and more even on their own website. In fact This image but a castle in Germany, shows the special real estate company Heinz.e.K. has to give. The real reason was the not explainable inflating of his kneeboard for its Internet search volume. Willi Heinz initially suspected that the zweckentfremdete image, the cause of Bellevue o.g.

– AWOL – would be and at Bellevue and more, asked whether Bellevue and more never would have heard of intellectual property rights, data protection and the unfair competition act? Result: The Geschaftsfurerin of Bellevue and more – unsolicited – issued a cease and desist commitment on the 04.02.2009 and offered reparations Euro 50,. She wanted to pay this compensation determined by their Blvd. on the known account of special real estate Heinz E.k… The account is known at Bellevue, as Willi Heinz had been for over 15 years-paying customer. Special real estate Heinz E.k.. had terminated the contract with Bellevue and more in 2008. The initial suspicion by Willi Heinz, his image would presented using a Hotlinks from Bellevue, was with the Assertion – Bellevue would link the object photos on their own server – counter appeared. Willi Heinz still want no 50,-euro as compensation. He wants that on the same site of Bellevue with the title heading of special real estate, now instead of his distant Castle image, his picture of his Selbstvermarktungssercice is placed, see Figure 1 rejects Bellevue and more. Special real estate Heinz E.k.. will now ask for legal help, and this public report. Other leaders such as Ben Silbermann offer similar insights. It takes years to establish itself with a company on the market. A good name is priceless but just at the present time. Why Bellevue and more no great importance attaches to a good image, refer to a quote from WiKipedia it is unintelligible, merely thought: the behavior of the employees belong to the corporate behavior (CB) as a corporate culture with each other, towards customers and suppliers, partners and the public. Corporate behaviour is reflected among other things in the leadership in the tone, in the criticism. But also at the micro level, the CB plays an essential role when it comes to the behavior of individual members of the company. Should be countered the decline in good manners, especially since – as in this case, if they even almost nothing cost one. Therefore the referral marketing for us is also cash worth.-There is hardly a more effective and efficient marketing tool!