Administration Sales
In order to fulfill of integral form this strategy, Argus resorts to Mind of Colombia with the aim of obtaining all the technological support in implementation of an information system that supports the looked for objectives. With base in the strategic lineamientos of Argus, an interdisciplinary equipment conformed by personnel of the areas commercial and technology of Argus and a group of consultancy of Mind of Colombia, start up the project of implementation of system CRM SalesLogix. The main goals established by the work party are: First goal: To implement the system of support to the direct force of sales, to offer a greater value added in the relation the client, through channel of Direct Visit, for each one of the markets and segments of clients whom Argus takes care of. This implies to equip the force with sales, to the area of Administration Sales and the managemental levels of the tools necessary to permanently plan, to execute, to control and to improve the interactions with the clients through channel of Direct Visit. As well, this demands the integration of new system CRM SalesLogix with system ERP used to the interior of Argos.Segunda puts: To implement an information system from support to the area on watch to the Client, ordered to take care of different types of interaction with the clients of the company, from taking of orders through Center of Contact, to the administration of all the cases of suggestions, technical complaints and incidents. One settles down like one of the primary targets equipping to Service to the Client of a system that allows, through telephone channel (by means of the operation of a Center of Contact) and of the channel of Direct Visit (commercial and technical advisers in direct visits to the clients), to have an integral vision of the situation of each one of the clients of the company.