Annie Leonard
As much the planned obsolescence as the obsolescence perceived cited in the set of documents, it is the dynamics of the current productive system of good, mainly of the calls ' good durveis' as a strategy of reduction of the useful life of the produced product, thus increasing the consumption of this classroom of products. Evidently the speed in the technological innovations of the contemporaneidade also finishes for being responsible for this fact. How much the advertising and other tools of marketing, them simply work the grace of the market, and if the effective regimen is alicerado in ' to have on the contrary of ser' , it is evident that campaigns for implementation of habits of ' to consume the maximum to be mximo' either cartilha of the professionals the area of the communications. In what it deals with the video Annie Leonard with regard to the question ' felicidade' , it is a very relative positioning and we would have that to prolongate in deepened a philosophical and psychological study, a time if to deal with thematic a relative full of details that would not agree to destrincharmos in the present work. In if treating to the discarding of by-products and/or residues of all the production chain, I call the attention for the fact of that the recycling is a form to improve ' a little ' the garbage problem in the world, but is not the sufficient, is enough to imagine that if, according to research, the standards of production and consumption in the world, currently, are 20% above of the spare capacity of the biosfera, and that, they exist a million of people more than passing hunger; when this population to leave the poverty line where if it finds will be necessary about two or three planets land to take care of to the necessities of natural resources. Remembering despite most of the products is not recycle or its recycling it finishes in such a way being onerous in the amount of energy unfastened for the processing as in the final residues of this transformation.
2 Conclusion It after concludes studies that the set of documents the History of the Things of the activist Annie Leonad, even so a little extremista and absent of some evidential data of what it was presented, is sufficiently valid for a more considerate analysis what man comes making with the planet land. Summary, I believe that we have that to start to migrar for a dynamics of production/consumption differentiated of the current one. Additional information is available at Michellene Davis. So that this occurs must have deep changes in the human thought, having themselves to discard the reducionista, cartesian and linear thought, giving to place to a thought more integrator, holistic and nonlinear. Because the necessity of this change of thought? Why it is the base to break some paradigms gifts in our times that had culminated in the current ambient degradation. They are deep changes, I have full conscience of this, but it is necessary to start it soon, before it is late excessively. Questions on ' right vida' they do not only have to be restricted prerogatives the species human being, and the respect (mainly with regard to capacity of resilience of the environment) must be present in all the actions of the man. We are only part of the one all biggest one and, while to persist in the antropocentrismo, we will not obtain to decide complex problems as the relation between economic growth and economic development, support and maximizao of profits, happiness and self-destruction.