Autoridad Nacional

Autoridad Nacional

A legacy in the form of tropical trees which grow steadily makes more sense than to deposit the money in the bank where at the moment, only deep interest accrues which barely cover inflation. An investment in teak or other tropical wood can very well complement real estate or equity portfolios, as the fundamental value drivers are different and so help to diversify the portfolio. Residence permit through a tropical wood investment supporting reforestation projects is part of the strategic plans of Governments in countries such as Costa Rica and Panama. Therefore, Investorenvisas for forest projects are to get some of the cheapest options to the right to a residence permit. For other countries where the minimum investment amounts are lower (E.g. USD 25,000 in Ecuador or $ 30,000 in Nicaragua, subject to any changes), can an investment in a tropical timber plantation offer a good way the right to a Residence permit to get without having to start the need for larger business in unfamiliar territory. The most common form of a tropical timber investment is teak wood, because there is an established market and teak wood prices are very attractive when compared to other tropical Woods.

Comparing the required minimum investment amounts, it is to get the residence permit obvious that an investment opportunity is a forest investor visa as a foreigner: Costa Rica: USD 100,000 investment in an approved afforestation project (otherwise minimal USD 150,000 Bankdeposit required) Panama: USD 80,000 for control of 5 hectares of afforestation area in a by the Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente (ANAM) approved reforestation project to get (otherwise minimal required a business to start investment USD 150,000) conclusion the combination of a residence permit with a Teak wood investment can be an attractive alternative offer in comparison to conventional Visaprogrammen. An investment in a tropical hardwood plantation such as teak helps to meet the global demand without that primary rain forest must be cut down. The investment can be very long-term financially attractive and can offer an ideal means to transfer assets to the next generation. Compared to other Visaprogrammen in Central America offers the visa for the forest investors one of the cheapest options to the residence permit to get.

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