Business of Olympic Games
In addition, it is desirable that local climate was considered mild. Compliance with these conditions is a sufficient guarantee of the attractiveness of the capital of the Games for international tourists, to torye usually chosen as a recreation area with similar climatic and natural features and recreational opportunities. In 2002 the first World Cup held in two countries: Japan and South Korea, and tourists, fans can choose where to go to root for favorite team. Many tourists came to only one or two games involving his team, some – only for the final. Thus, thousands of Brazilians, even with a modest income (students, workers), arrived in Japan in the final match between Brazil and Germany.
Requirements for the location of centers of the Olympic Games and other international competitions are high also because that inappropriate environmental conditions can reduce athletic performance, mean and entertainment events, which immediately leads to the reduction in the number of tourists. Among other things, provides indirect support for tourism marketing programs conducted by the Olympic Movement and FIFA. For by tourists greatly increased sales of tickets for competitive and formal events. As practice shows, the fans – it's fairly well-off or well-off citizens to whose presence at the Olympics is prestigious and is part of the image, which explains their willingness to spend considerable sums. The effect of sports activities continues unabated and at its end. Sporting events held in a particular city, one hundred novyatsya historical fact, enhancing the attraction of tourists.
The greatest number of fans usually "supply" countries whose athletes have a real chance of winning in any form competition. The period of stay of tourists in the country usually coincides with the time of the competition. Latest Olympics and World Cup have shown continued interest in the citizens of many countries to sports competitions, the desire to become a tourist and visit some or other event. Among the Russians, who gave a preference to rest abroad, travel, related to some sporting event are also high priority.