Claude Love
It is its workmanship and its workmanship ela, and in almost all its poems exist a test instant absolute dessaidentificao, from there that if it has chosen these poetries as paradigmade a time and of a feminine mental ambincia. At last, the concern with poetical making in the aquiestudadas poetries cultivates a reflection, an attitude of questioning and one tentativade translation of the feeling. Therefore, the poetry of Florbela walks for afuso of the life and the poetry, in an incessant search of the artistic fullness. E, qui, the process of creation to take care of to the pressures of the unconscious one is quelevaram Florbela to a permanent anguish never to obtain to express naproporo where the ertica force of its soul demanded occult it. Florbela Espanca possessed as that a predisposition for osofrimento and therefore cultivated it, developed it, left it to still grow maisdentro of itself, writing and constantly relating to the past, insisting exaggerated saudosista numarecordao. Destarte, is not easy to understand tamanhassensaes and to feel it to them beauty, but it is there, in a point that ultrapassamuitos of us, therefore as the proper poetess she wrote: ' ' to be poet is to be maisalto, is to be bigger of what the men! ' '.
REFERENCES ALONSO, Claude P. Images of I in the poetry of FlorbelEspanca. Lisbon: The National press; Mint, 1997. ARAGO, Patrician Saucers of. The Donjuanismo in the Poesiade Florbela Espanca: ' ' to love, to love and not to love nobody! ' '. Monografiaapresentada to the Department of Letters Clssicas and Vernculas.
Porto Alegre: Magazine Needle, 2004. Available in:. IT SPANKS, Florbela of the Conceio. Sonetos. Port, Portugal: 11 ed., Bookstore Tavares Martins. IT SPANKS, Florbela. Poetry of Florbela Espanca. PortoAlegre: L& P.m., 2002. BLACKSMITH, Aurlio Buarque of Holland. I move Portuguese Dictionary dLngua. So Paulo: 4 ed.revista and brought up to date, Positive ED., 2009.