Economic Globalization
In century XXI the question of the culture is presented as problem – key that makes mediation between the globalizante flow and the identitrios particularismos or between the homogenization and the replacement of the differences. In this context, the varied cultural expressions if configure while merchandise of high symbolic value and give body what it comes being called cultural economy. Thus, this term points with respect to the fact of that the processes of the culture had acquired in the world contemporary unequivocal a economic dimension, since they generate artistic and mannering products (music, artesanato, fashion etc.) benefiting to the formal market (store, restaurants, hotels, bars) and the informal one (ambulant). The economy of the culture suggests an interconnection of phenomena, in the measure where a mannering expression concatenates all (manifest in some levels) and the market as mediating category between the social and symbolic dimension and the economic sphere of the societies. To understand the economic potentialities of the culture and its contribution for the endogenous development 1, is necessary to reach its more complex dimension not to imprison it nas rules of the cultural industry. This because, the cultural products are penetrated in the daily life of the peoples.
They are resulted of a sensible experience, to the times, conspired in the anonymity of the communitarian life. this cultural capital, that now emerges as merchandise, points with respect to a redimensionamento of the slight knowledge of center and periphery. In this context, the borders lose density to give place to the concrete experience of the space configured in a quarter, a territory, a city. Examining the characteristics economic of the cultural goods and services one evidences that they possess the fact in common to include artistic or creative an element. The cultural goods can be tangible objects as a work of art or a book or services (intangible) as a musical interpretation or an exhibition of ' ' capoeira' '.