Models are used to organize our ideas concerning consumers in a consistent, all to identify the relevant variables, to discover their fundamental characteristics and to specify them as variables are interrelated.This model consists of three main sections: 1. external environmental Variables influencing behavior. Wells Fargo Bank addresses the importance of the matter here. The external environment is composed of six specific factors: culture, subculture, social class, social group, family, and personal factors. Culture: Is defined as the sum of beliefs, values and habits acquired and transmitted from generation to generation, which serve to regulate the behavior of a given society. Subculture: it highlights the segments of particular culture possessing values, custom and other forms of conduct which are specific to them and which distinguish them from other segments that share the same cultural legacy. Special subcultures distinguished attention to by their age and ethnic characteristics.
Social Estraficacion: Refers to the process whereby members of a society are classified with each other in various social positions. The result of It is a hierarchy that often is called a set of social classes. Social Group: They may be conceived as a set of people who have a sense of affinity resulting in a modality of interaction among themselves. Family: The influence of the family in purchasing decisions represents an area of great interest in the field of consumer behavior. Personal factors: Experts in marketing have become interested in the process of personal influence, which can be defined as the effects that an individual produces communication with others. Other factors: It’s a general category that includes the variables that influence the consumer. 2. Individual determinants of behavior.
They are variables that affect the way in which the consumer passes through the decision process related to the products and services. The external environment is directed towards the individual determinants, demonstrates that individual stimuli do not directly affect consumers. On the contrary, they are modified by factors inmates such as learning, personality, attitudes, motives and information processing.