Faster And More Economical

Faster And More Economical

xTigo has a new generation of testing tools that it has developed together with the GAD eG Cologne. The software company of xTigo AG has with dynamic Testflow”a solution brought to significantly simplify of the testing of software development on the market. You organizes and automates the processes in the test management and allows shorter test periods at lower resource usage in this way. Also the quality and efficiency increase, because on the one hand is an automated coordination of development, IT Department and test team and also carried out a cross-tool control of the test phases and steps. The solution on the basis of the xTigo automation framework was developed”together with the GAD eG. It is the IT competence centre for around 450 Volks – and Raiffeisen banks, central institutions and other companies in German-speaking countries in the co-operative FinanzVerbund and Retailbankanwendungen. Where earlier in the voting and Trackingprozessen with the Testbeteiligten much time and significant resources were lost, takes over now dynamic Testflow”most of the organizational effort, describes the benefits of xTigo Board Ingo Buck. So send dynamic Testflow”notifications and manages all further communication and task implementation until the end of the project. In the test center, with beginning the performance creation or the development of software releases the test projects launched and set the conditions for the subsequent tests.

While the release development provides dynamic Testflow”, make sure that the necessary testing requirements were supplied by the Fachprojektverantwortlichen and Testbeteiligten. The solution allocates the necessary resources and documented every step. “Tests are finally prepared, later successfully completed as well as all individual test objects released, informed dynamic Testflow” test management. A whole new dimension of test management will achieve”, judge buck and points in addition to the easy handling and the high transparency of all test processes. As for the Management of the test projects is an only and Web-based interface, which gives an up-to-date picture of all process steps at any time.

Stakeholders see the current status including the outstanding tasks according to their individual entitlement. In this way you can plan the next steps at an early stage and to more effectively.” About xTigo Software AG, the xTigo Software AG is a German company based in Cologne, Germany. XTigo’s solutions connect worlds: the world of the description of the process on the one hand with the world of automated implementation on the other side. So are existing management tools of to integrated total solution with xTigo as the hub of the process-oriented IT services. xTigo strengthens the role of a responsible IT within the company. An IT that supports business processes directly, actively works on the business objectives and thus contribute value to the company as a whole.

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