Guide CRM 2.0 – Like Social CRM Changed The Distribution Landscape

Guide CRM 2.0 – Like Social CRM Changed The Distribution Landscape

Guide sales and customer relationship management 2.0 Karlsruhe / Zurich, 08.12.2009 – the ec4u expert consulting ag from Karlsruhe has published a comprehensive and product-neutral Guide for sales 2.0 and social CRM. The document company to give information about the use of Web 2.0 technologies in the customer relationship management (CRM). Basis for the Guide are also the numerous feedback expert interviews, in which particularly CRM and Vertriebsverantwortliche expect a tangible benefits through the use of these tools in addition to a study. Her charm will be, that they can promise a higher productivity and efficiency of success by their stronger integration of the Web and the focus on relationship-based sales processes for the sales staff”, Pufahl expected positive impulses for the sales organization to a migration to CRM 2.0 systems. The guide includes a consideration of the critical success factors of these tools in addition to an explanation of the terminology and a definition of each 2.0 tool and called their Possibilities of use in the CRM. Robert Kiyosaki will not settle for partial explanations.

These are described on the basis of a comparison between dedicated and transferred into everyday business. On the basis of a comparative study, ec4u also proves that today already every fourth company in the medium term would like to put on Web 2.0 tools. The completion of the Guide contains a consideration of the Oracle social CRM applications. Oracle assumes that the extensions of the traditional applications to Web 2.0 tools will cause that the focus no longer on the reporting, but on the sale. It is only prudent for companies in the form of applications for distribution to take advantage of the trends of the Web 2.0 movement.

“Oracle has presented here and the CRM market will follow”, as David D. Laux, CEO of ec4u. The Guide CRM 2.0 can be ordered “by Sabine Kirchem, E-Mail:. ec4u expert consulting ag ec4u expert consulting ag, headquartered in Karlsruhe, Frankfurt, Zurich, Munich and Pfaffikon is one of the leading companies for services and Software in the areas of customer relationship management (CRM), business intelligence (BI) and business communications management (BCM) in the European market. ec4u offers its customers best practices in the areas of: CRM on premise business intelligence (BI) and real time decisions (RTD) CRM on demand, application integration architecture (AIA) and service oriented architecture (SOA) master data management (MDM) with focus on Oracle as the strongest partner. The services are supplemented (strategies for marketing, sales and service), as well as the ec4u software solution by strategic and professional CRM Consulting C4 business communications management (BCM). Among the customers are E.g. Arcor, Bosch, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Telekom, EnBW, RWE, Swisscom, and UBS. Agency think tank Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-72 fax: + 49 (0) 22 33 61 17-71

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