Key To Success
What is the key of the success? I thought that the success only corresponded to people with rich, to politicians, to people of Mafia or something thus, when she discovers that each person tapeworm the opportunity to create her own success could not believe every one to it we have the same opportunities, all we are stopped in the starting track, leave and others remain, seems that the line of the success is so fine that note but is almost not disposition of each there same human being where your you are. What is the key of the success? Depending to that your you call success to him, the success he is alcanzadle and you reach while it is you amuse the conquest, although in the passage you can be found with mountains the rivers, the fierce ones and all class of problems by which you will have to cross, all person to secure the success necessarily must cross these barriers in major or minor climbs, but nobody secures the success sleeping. Then, what it is the key of the success? A positive mind, positive thoughts and a positive attitude. This he is the great one secret and only this way we will be able to see each obstacle of the way as challenges to mature and never are an impediment to arrive at the success. If we really realized power and influence that has the positive thoughts, that exert in our newspaper to live, we would apply the corresponding techniques to develop with effectiveness the project that we set out without putting objections but watching the obstacles like challenges for enterprising people, and sending positive images to each cerebral hemisphere. The key of the success, is to watch the negative things with a mind and positive attitude, so that when watches in rosales the thorns, your you watch the roses, if they see failures, your you see experiences, if others see problems your you see opportunities.
A good illustration of positive mind is this: A manufacturer of shoes sent to two of his employees to explore market areas, in a distant village, when returning both employees with the report, said to the first a his head; Sir is not a good one devises this class of market in that place, because there nobody uses shoes, serious lost of time and a money to do that. When arriving the second with his it reports said to his head; Sir we do not lose but time and money, we go immediately to that which had place because it is an excellent opportunity, that all need shoes there. It give to account the difference you that makes have a positive mind? both they went with the same mission to the same place saw the same people but with different mentalities. Conclusion What is the key of the success? The one that your you own, your thoughts determine that life class you want to have, with your positive mind and thoughts you can conquer your success that is the right of all for being divine creation and provided it to God with everything so that nothing you need. You do not forget to leave your commentary, and as they are your frustrations at the time of conquering the success.