Mandatory Certification
In Russia, established such a certification system as a mandatory certification and voluntary certification of products and services, which was approved by Russian law. Also established the structure of organizations, which in turn conduct certification – a certification bodies, certification and testing laboratories .. In recent years, more and more often hear about the cancellation of mandatory certification, it is not correct some of the reviews officials who have questioned the feasibility of the existence of mandatory certification. Let's try to analyze the essence of critical reviews of opponents of the existence of certification, as they sound something like this: Mandatory certification is a stumbling block for entrepreneurs and also involves some costs for certification. Answer can be summarized. How much is our health and our children? After all, we have every day something to eat, buy some clothes and then some for sure when purchasing any product we look at the packaging, looking for the expiration date, composition, etc. We do not use no Hoti quality product and do not want our children to be dressed in costume from recycled plastic … I guess so? And then who will govern the quality? Let us cancel the certification, so I think you can imagine how many will hit the stores "ink" products …
As for the "stumbling block", here a moot point … because not as difficult as it may seem in the procedure for obtaining certificates, provided that the goods really high quality. But in some cases can actually agree that curled from the organization to which you applied.