Metaphors And Metaphorical Thinking
Metaphors in a variety of its forms, from early childhood come into our lives. From generation to generation, passed fairy tales, proverbs, and parables. Metaphors are inherently tend to bypass any conscious blocking or resistance to infiltrate the subconscious level. It is the subconscious responds to the puzzle metaphor to find some individual otgadku, which corresponds to the experiences and needs specific audience. Many techniques have long described in a very accessible form of a well-known fairy tales and metaphors. We need only read them izuchat.
historically the most ancient format of the transfer of knowledge about life. First Fairy Tale was the source information, she allowed people to store history in mind people being passed from mouth to mouth, from older to younger. It was designed to inspire, to transmit knowledge and to help assimilate the rules and norms of the world, served as a way of communicating, in the end. At the time, fairy tales were one of the few ways to transfer znaniy.Metafory can come to the rescue when there is some opposition or conflict situation. They can be a valuable tool for conducting business presentations, when you need to overcome resistance. Metaphorical stories can draw attention to some voprosu. metaphor recognizes the ability of subconscious, enabling him to draw their own conclusions. Metaphor is like a puzzle: the subconscious is trying to solve it until such time until you find you otgadku.
The subconscious mind likes to find the meaning hidden in a metaphorical .Udivitelnoy ability of complex metaphors is that each person understands their own way. Your subconscious mind will find the meaning that suits you. Metaphoric stories are not unambiguous, and they give opportunity to choose your desired value. Storytelling returns many adults the possibility of formation of vivid images. Best of all this is the role of fairy tales and mythological stories, thus creating a kind of "bank" life situations, some image of the World. And if you just read stories, this image will appear in a passive state, and the discussion will make reading the information be used actively. Such a fantastic and metaphorical perception of the World gives a sense of harmony and joy. It is aimed at the realization of their potentials, capacities and values of their own lives, understanding the causal relationships of events and actions that committed by a person on an inner feeling of strength and harmony.