Method Composer Amendment
Support for Web-portal also includes updating of material made to it. Any changes to governing documents, manuals, handbooks should be immediately reported to the stakeholders. Also do not forget about the publication of new materials that can assist in the work of both new and experienced employees. This article may be shared or observations and the work of staff organization, upgrade to use third-party tools, changes in work organization with its own product, etc. Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 6.
Editor processes Method Composer Amendment process is accompanied by mandatory fixation of these changes in the existing documentation on the process. And, of course, all changes must be made in official documents and on the Web-portal. Search the same places in the documents and resources Web-site – it's tedious and lengthy work, which can lead to inaccuracies and differences in the same block of documentation and Web-pages. Method Composer provides a relatively simple and flexible process editor (Figure 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F005200650066003200300032003700310030003900380032000000), which does not require much effort from the developer of the process in finding the necessary items to change. After sorting electronic documents and searching the pages you want to change – it is more time-consuming procedure than the transition points on the tree, which is divided into the standard templates. All changes Method Composer allows you to publish three different ways: in the form of HTML-pages in the form of a document MS Word; in book form Adobe Acrobat. This means that Method Composer provides a single repository for all materials and processes allows us to provide a repository of users in the required form. Any changes to this store can be simply projected by the operation of the publication as a Web-portal and on documenting the process.
Figure 7 shows an example of the problem description in MS Word. Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 7. Description of the problem in MS Word Conclusion There are a lot of effective operation of the company. Greater reliance on individual staff, staff turnover is clearly not add positive points. Description and documentation of the processes being implemented in the company, help solve these problems. Using Method Composer in documenting processes will allow to present the process in an understandable form for all employees, to create a simple adaptation of new future changes to process. Formed Web-portal will enable employees to focus on their role of responsibility in the tasks they should perform, freeing them at the same time the need to learn and iterate over a large number of documentation. In addition, Method Composer will create a library of best practices for organizations that are always available on-line.