National Commission
The National Commission of the climate change in Peru published the 2001 an informe1 that warns about the potential future impacts of climate change and that we need to know. Among the notable impacts is drawn as follows: a meter of sea level rise. Losses for eight locations in Peru (delta of the Tumbes River with mangroves, Paita-Sechura, Trujillo, Chimbote, Lima, Pisco-Paracas, Lagunas de Mejia in Ilo) would be approximately USA $ 1 000 000 000.00. Nearly 53 percent of the beach La Herradura in Lima would be potentially flooded and would have potential losses in mariculture, especially in Tumbes shrimping activity and the possible disappearance of the extensive wetlands distributed along the coast, with the following loss in biological diversity (p.89). El Nino (in) event would continue demonstrating on a recurring basis. Damage to fisheries.
Most important damages are in the reduction of the dominant commercial species, the direct affectation of the infrastructure of the continental and maritime, fisheries impact on local employment. Climate change in the marine ecosystem can manifest itself as an event in. If so, the report points out, ecological changes can be dramatic with serious consequences in the fishery, transportation and recreation. This would entail potential losses from the flooding in coastal works, homes, clubs, fishing plants and industrial (p. 88) for a value of USA $ 168250, 000.00.
The sea level rose on average between 10 and 20 centimeters during the 20th century, and an additional rise of 9-88 cm is expected for the year 2100. The rising temperatures causes to expand the volume of the ocean, and the melting of glaciers and polar ice caps, the volume of water. If it reaches the upper end of that scale, the sea invade littoral heavily populated countries like Bangladesh, cause the complete disappearance of some Nations (as the island State of the) Falkland), reserves of freshwater of billions of people to contaminate and provoke mass migrations.