The incredible growth that Twitter has had in the last year is not a novelty. It is estimated that this single Twitter takes 22% of the total internet audience. Consequently, it is imperative to be on Twitter. It’s that simple. In addition, thanks to the new search functions in real time of the main search engines, tweets are indexed, so it enhances their power of massification of messages. Being not only Twitter is good for business, it’s good for you.
Make relationships in this social network will take you to generate contacts which will be highly beneficial to your professional growth, you can exchange ideas and views with other users, and, ultimately, they’ll learn from you, and you them. Then, generate and cultivate contacts is one of the ways to make the most of Twitter. Twitter generates traffic: second way to take advantage of it. Imagine, you can start modestly, you tweet a link (to your site, or another site) to ten contacts. Let’s take that at least two of these ten users re-Tweet your link, each one of them to ten contacts, and so on. Imagine in a reasonable period of time, for example 24 hours, how many people will have received the link: thousands. Twitter inspires and motivates.
Many users complain that with only 140 characters does not seem sufficient to persuade, sell, advise or what you want to do on Twitter. But thinking about it backwards. 140 characters constitute the ideal length of a good call to action, or it is the exact extension for an appointment of another author. Fourth way to take advantage of Twitter: expand your target. Any business that stays with the few or many – clients that have, and intend to with that, to succeed, is making a deadly mistake. It will end up as Mr. Olson of the Ingalls family store: will always buy you the same customers. The difference is that warehouse of Mr. Olson was the only one of the people, but you have many competitors. Construction of the reputation online, and maintenance of brand presence. It is always good to be present. Let your site or its brand, the first that you come to the mind to your contacts when they need the product you sell. Imagine that one morning you wake up, and while you take your coffee, sees with horror that your beautiful garden has been attacked by a plague of ants. Urgently need a landscape professional who is responsible for this. Suddenly, recalls that you between your Twitter contacts, there is a boy who is devoted to that do not need to say more. Link Building, another benefit of Twitter. Everytime your link appears on Twitter, a back link is generated. I.e. to Tweet your link often, bring you lots of incoming links, which is what ultimately will help your PageRank. In short, if you want to succeed in what is called marketing and online promotion, Twitter is one of the paths. Take it as part of their work duties, and take time per day to strengthen their social bonds. If you liked this post and want to place it on your site, can do so smoothly, provided you cite as a source to original author and source of the article.