A number of disturbing emotions, than a home always arise before a divorce or separation, they paralyze people’s lives. You have a change of emotional state, nobody can understand what happens to both members of the couple, if this has not lived. It is a process of mourning, of mourning, of pain, but it is also an opportunity to rethink and to reflect on the actions and events that led to the separation. In these circumstances a number of contradictory conditions live, on the one hand we are sad and we want nothing to change, and on the other hand, we hope that everything goes too fast to leave those feelings of confusion and paralysis. However, we must act, we must do something definitive with our lives, we have to take care of them soon, but not like us, we can also plunge us into depression and stay there for a long time.
Feelings emerge and goes quiet confusion, denial, depression, anger, anger, we are that we can not bear, we are depending on the causes of divorce, humiliated, abandoned, betrayed, treaties of unfairly, etc. There are moments in which we become reagents and we react against everything, we are sensitive, full of pain, nothing accommodates us, not we find our place in the world. It is therefore important, aware that even though the reactivity can lead us to commit impulsive acts, is also true, that is an escape against all the emotions that are spilled in waterfall in our current situation. But we have to solve, whether we like it or not, solve what, give solution to what, now living alone, to propose a new way of living, if there are children, to see for them, and for many, solve new economic and emotional situation. Reactivity only leads to complaints, to regret and feel victims of circumstance. On the other hand proactivity gradually allows us to solve the various problems which now confront us on a daily basis.