Rodriguez Zapatero

Rodriguez Zapatero

I don’t know if Rodriguez Zapatero represents a left outdated and romantic, as they believe the United States, according to documents leaked by Wikileaks. I know, however, that it is a quick change running balances over the wire of political opportunism. When it suits, our man transmuted is, from being the European friend of Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales and other autocrats, the champion of liberal economic reforms. Anything to stay in power. I.e., the same which makes the funambulo clasped to your pole to avoid falling into the void.

Such lack of criterion and draft political, similar transformism, is becoming a paradigm of Spanish socialism. Occurred Jose Montilla, trasmutando’s Minister of the Government of Spain in champion of catalan nationalism exacerbated and dogmatic. Then, when it comes to elections, try to shield without success after the Spanish of Felipe Gonzalez. And what of the Valencian socialism? Despite the case Gurtel, their own surveys fall you 26 points below PP. Ante such disaster, and spurred by Jose Blanco, now say I say where they said before diego in matters such as the Mestalla field, the neighborhood of “el cabanal”, Park of Ferrari and other topics that cheered as untouchables and irreversible.

We live, therefore, in a political arena where convictions have been replaced by conveniences. The master of this political genre is the tightrope that inhabits La Moncloa. Some, even, believe it to be sleepwalker in addition to funambulo. Then, Yes, then his political bump would more than guaranteed. Original author and source of the article.

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