SES Reports

SES Reports

Considered variants of the name: medvaput, kondahill, rayzoklin, barabush and others. But won less expressive, but a more neutral version PARAGEYTS. In doing so, members of the Politburo TK guided (except for personal benefit), by the need to ensure continuity between moral and immoral aging maturing patterns of interpersonal relations within the world economy. Translation of the world economy on a new unit of measure (effectiveness) should not be painful. We go by region, starting at 00 31.12.10g hours. local time and ending at the same time with the completion of a New Year speech the head of the region.

Before this time, everywhere should take exercise to test the skills of the new units in conditions close to real differences in income. Guide units by volunteers from among the most self-promoted voluntary volunteers. For that purpose designate a part or all-white clothes in the attached reports to photo and video materials. (Quotations in original) Individual contribution of voluntary participants of the tests will be counted and will receive an assessment on the anniversary of the merits of hand presented by the administration of the list of applicants. (Quotations in original) A typical example of a situation to practice skills in the use of a new unit – comment based on hearsay reports in the official electronic media. Typing a comment in his usual manner, you add at the end of the following. "In general, I think this idea of our soil (or on a social basis – for the SES and SIS), more than 2 parageytsa not pull! "After twos instead of" parageyts "inserted two emoticon – one shows a good sense of military patriots, while the other depicts the generosity of wealthy patrons." The number in front smiley indicates how many times (on According to the commentator), he represents a doubling of the environment will address participation in the spread of gossip commented to full attenuation.

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