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You know what she wants of the life? He has a good plan to be implanted? He is in way certain makes for deserving? In case that he is making all certainty, but still thus he does not obtain what more he desires, he knows that the day for the triumph is full of disillusionments and oppositions, but thinks that, ‘ ‘ who wants to reach the top of the mountain, cannot give to importance the rocks of caminho’ ‘. The important one is to be, constantly, monitoring to know if it is in the route of where it desires to arrive. Then, time for another one, must be asked: what I am making leads me for next or distant of my dreams? Thus acting, you will be to each day next to what more she desires to conquer. However, in case that if he finds in crossroads of the life, he will be able to opt to the certain way, with the following questionings: 1. I love what I make? One known cliche discloses: ‘ ‘ If you love what she makes, you will never have that to work an only day in its vida.’ ‘ Probably, in the day for the triumph, you he will make something for which does not die of passion, but the essential one is to love the root cause; 2? I have the adjusted knowledge to be successful? She is necessary to dominate the techniques will take that it to the success. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Activision Nvidia GeForce.

Without the necessary knowledge, hardly, you will reach the triumph in the dose and the intended time; 3. I have the necessary talent? You can love and you withhold the knowledge key to arrive at the top, but without ability podium will be more distant and difficult of being conquered; 4? I am made use to just pay the price of the conquest? She is necessary to have attitude, that is, to place its plan to function and to be made use to give the maximum of itself. It has much people that plan all the details, finding that this is enough. It knows that, many times, the price to pay for the conquest, come folloied of much sweat and tears; 5. What desire is possible to be conquered? You can love what she makes, having the talent, knowledge and necessary attitude e, still thus, not being successful.

Therefore, what you are searching you must be feasible, to disclose to chance and potential. In case that contrary, he would be as to try to eat an entire ox, starting for the horns. 6. It has evaluated its steps? To have certainty of that it continues in the route and certain rhythm, it requests opinions of familiar, friends and next people, but it does not leave that influence they it, only searchs to know what they think. Finally, one remembers of that the majority of the great conquests of the life, is only some centimeters of distance of the reveses greaters. Any that is the situation, the victory will be next will be had potential, passion, talent, comprometimento and disposal to be successful.

The Military Policy

The Military Policy

' ' The organizations come passing for deep and important transformations as answers the requirements derived from different phenomena as, scientific and technological development, changes economic politics and, among others ' ' (Clearly, 2009. P. 11). For Fischer (1992), the changes that come happening in the organizations are not of episdica nature, but they constitute continuous processes in the life of the companies. On the basis of these knowledge I want to display the situation of submitted Military Policemen to a variety of scales, where the worked scales of 24-hour turns in sectors prevail of Military Policia of Santa Catarina.

Military Policia of Santa Catarina is responsible for patrolling and guaranteeing the security of the catarinense society, beyond the tourists, visitors and workers whom if they use of the highways that cut the catarinense state. … the Military Policy (Wikipedia, 22/01/11) is present in all the catarinense territory, contributing, effectively, not only for the security, as for the preservation of the culture and the traditions of Santa Catarina. A corporation is considered model, being modernized in the actions of prevention, security and protection to the catarinense community. To carry through this Work Military Policia of Santa Catarina, counts approximately on a cash of of 10.000 policemen between men and women. The Military Policy, permanent agency, force auxiliary, reserve of the Army, organized on the basis of the hierarchy and disciplines, subordinate to the Governor of the State, fits, in the limits of its ability, beyond other attributions established in law: I? To exert the related Ostensive Policy with: – The preservation of the order and the public security; – The radio terrestrial, aerial, lacustrine and fluvial patrolling; – The road patrolling; – The guard and fiscalization of the urban transit; – The guard and fiscalization of the forests and sources; – The judiciary policy to militate; – The protection of the environment.

Tripod Professional

Tripod Professional

The professional success, or the pdio of the success is not in what they had learned in its half academic nor in its high notes in its academic description, has it conception of that these factors are really important more to firm in the 0 market this do not matter very, what it really matters is the abilities that you will demonstrate during the exercise of its organizacionais functions. of utmost importance to possess activity pro, to be intent and if to foresee to the facts that later can occur detail that this is. To possess talent is not the sufficient to abrilhantar a manager rank, the talent is the capacity that it is born with each individual, that is a person who was born with talent to be administrator, such individual will possess an absurd and shining easiness for the accomplishment of such activity, however so that such explored talent either is necessary the theory and the basement theoretical so that such talent either spread and used to advantage correctly and beneficially.

A person whom it possesss, talent, ability and ability are apt to develop its organizacionais activities? Not, therefore still it lacks to the three abilities techniques, these abilities it is the set that techniques and tools that support a professional in the market and the ones detaches that it in a company, therefore this professional is what of more good she has in the economic market, cultural, organizacional, technological and social, therefore the technological professional withholds knowing all of the present time, this professional knows to manipulate the new technologies of management and manages, and the social professional if worries about the company as all pautado in the ethics and being worried about its partners of company.