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Even a joint raid conducted by representatives of the then Tax Police and the actual members of the local tax inspectorate. True no specific results are not gave. Satya Nadella: the source for more info. What is the legal address? Jur. address – this is a concept consisting of a set of documents that meet the requirements of the registering authority, and allows to register the new entity at that address.

Sometimes there were very clever fellow, who managed as a jur. address indicated, the St. Source: Kevin Ulrich Anchorage. Petersburg or Moscow, no street, house number or structure, but characteristically, they succeed. While the standard legal Consultation on all these species was reduced to the following addresses – the location of a firm is a place of its state registration in accordance with the Civil Code. Address registration of a company is determined to Based on documents provided by jur. address. All .. And this explanation suits all.

There were certainly moments associated with the fact that where we should send invoices, the requirements for inspections (which is rare, but still sometimes happened, usually the most common interaction with the tax inspector was due to improper filling of the declaration, when the chief accountant phoned or wrote a letter to urgently provide the correctly filled in the calculation tax). Therefore, in addition jur. addresses the organization had for public use so-called postal address, usually shot at the post office box, if the landlord could not officially grant the premises.

Contact Price

Contact Price

The market is pretty common simplified representation of the contact center. Often, it is believed that this is only a telephone exchange with an extended call routing and reporting system. Unfortunately, in the market are not uncommon cases where projects contact centers and executed: the unfolding function of a telephone exchange with the expanded ability to route calls. At the same time, nobody did not immediately think about what business functions does this contact center, as he engaged in the business processes of interaction with customers. But the market becomes more mature, and today many customers are not willing to pay for the telephone system functions, namely for benefits of the contact center, for example, to their business. The role of business consultant (or, more CRM-consultant) in this case lies in the fact that he has to show a client in which the processes of contact center will bring the greatest benefit and how to optimize and automate these business processes. This approach has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. In particular in the banking sector is today the most popular business process – work with bad debts. rold Ford Jr. Practice shows that it is now necessary for all banks. Many representatives of the banking business, this process is not always built initially, and about its proper automation has speak only in isolated cases. Therefore, banks have to resort to third-party collection companies, which tend to be interested in getting their own profits, rather than maintaining “friendly” creditor relationship with the borrower.

Higher Management

Higher Management

Ie in principle, every businessman, a generous health is not without thrift future opportunities, cultivating this quality of hypocrisy, and knowing that the law of the Higher World, "Give and serve," type charity on track even in an economic crisis, manufactures and supports a mental channel access Higher thoughts and simply begins to think strategically, and the lack of funds in business with only motivation for more cooperative climbing with other people, without which it is impossible no robust economy and healthy natural and cultural background of all human society. Manager in a business designed to find the high point of generation and future value-added management is not valid damage to this background, therefore, raises the need for natural communicative based on altruism. In the philosophy of science is also such a thing as a drive of – a person's ability to sacrifice for the sake of sverhnapryazheniyu and achieve high goals. And bearing in mind that business is the warehouse people, enthusiasts and initiators drive of the economy should be organically belong in the first place and they again come to the responsibility and altruism. Of course, this does not mean that in this business of giving the individual loses the hand of charity, as the gift itself can be made in respect of themselves and the rank and file workers with higher levels business management hierarchy and the rank and file employees will be able to continue to altruistic circuit on your own – as community benefits be unaffected by lower instincts and uncreative performance will diverge on the whole society, ennobling management itself. The idea of business as a cynical craft, should be overturned by the entrepreneurs of the new internal vector of all their actions, because the keys of (Especially in today's customer-oriented market economy), and mystery are in the inner world to penetrate the external evidence of the reality of the Spirit, the giver only hope in this cruel world, still.

Creativity in business manager is the engine of the business, the art of thinking in a combination of factors and resources of science, production and sales of goods and services is a factor ozhitvoryayuschem entire economy, cultivating dative function that satisfies all sectors of human society in equilibrium, but the moving principle of generation capacity – it's time to share the opportunities, the synergies multiplitsiruya the art and Common Good work. Sincerely, Andrew P. 18.02.2009g souvenir. e-mail:



The column headings in bold italics and centered. Furthermore, it should find a suitable column width. But all this does not affect the logic, but only improves the appearance of the table. You can choose what format, what you like. To automate the processing of journal use AutoFilter. Click on any cell in the list, then select the menu command Data – Filter – AutoFilter. On the right side of each cell header button appears with an arrow. Clicking this button opens a list with the values on which you can filter the log.

For example, click the arrow in the column, Debit, and will open a list of accounts. Select the desired account, and the list remain the only operations with the use of this account is debited. To re-show all the transactions should again click the arrow in the column Debit and choose the All pop-up list. You can choose simultaneously filter on multiple values, such as the debit one account and credit of another. Similarly, you can choose to select the operation with the correct dates or amounts. You can specify more complex conditions for filtering, by selecting the opening list condition. This will display a dialog where you can set any condition, such as transaction amount must be greater than 100 and less than 1000 or the date of more than 1 January of the year. After selected only the desired entries, you can find out the amount of numbers in a column sum.

The State

The State

Because protectionism is one of the "Unhealthy" instruments of economic policy, unable to bring positive economic results in the medium and long term, a tool to get only short-term results, and only at the expense of the population. JPMorgan Chase: the source for more info. In the medium term (3-5 years), while maintaining protectionist measures by the state, we can get further behind the domestic automakers their foreign competitors, which, when declared by the (formal) to increase the competitive quality of Russian cars will become more significant. Otherwise the engine of progress, in addition to the competition market, nature did not create. What are the implications for investors? Regardless of the optimism of market participants, securities of Russian automobile manufacturer, in this scenario, will not be promising, having high internal risk, and not having a sufficient basis for a long-term, stable growth. Probably lag the positive dynamics of the market average. In the long term (10-15 years), long-term protectionist support of the Russian car manufacturers, we can get a situation which can be characterized as a crisis of the industry. Lag competitive qualities of Russian cars to the time will be as significant, but the technology is so obsolete, that to catch up on old industrial base is no longer possible, both for technical and financial reasons.

A need for this inevitably arise, since any protection ends sooner or later. In this case, we see some helpless enterprises automakers have large capacity to produce old car with a huge amount of unsold goods. Liquidity of enterprises will fall, and the only possible way, will run through out the production of domestic car models, and co-operation with foreign automakers, on onerous conditions refitting its pipeline to produce models of European, Korean, Japanese and Chinese brands.

Mandatory Certification

Mandatory Certification

In Russia, established such a certification system as a mandatory certification and voluntary certification of products and services, which was approved by Russian law. Also established the structure of organizations, which in turn conduct certification – a certification bodies, certification and testing laboratories .. In recent years, more and more often hear about the cancellation of mandatory certification, it is not correct some of the reviews officials who have questioned the feasibility of the existence of mandatory certification. Let's try to analyze the essence of critical reviews of opponents of the existence of certification, as they sound something like this: Mandatory certification is a stumbling block for entrepreneurs and also involves some costs for certification. Answer can be summarized. How much is our health and our children? After all, we have every day something to eat, buy some clothes and then some for sure when purchasing any product we look at the packaging, looking for the expiration date, composition, etc. We do not use no Hoti quality product and do not want our children to be dressed in costume from recycled plastic … I guess so? And then who will govern the quality? Let us cancel the certification, so I think you can imagine how many will hit the stores "ink" products …

As for the "stumbling block", here a moot point … because not as difficult as it may seem in the procedure for obtaining certificates, provided that the goods really high quality. But in some cases can actually agree that curled from the organization to which you applied.

Getting Started

Getting Started

Operation Ice Palace combines two interrelated components. This is a commercial use and sporting events. Usually sporting events requires the organizers of certain financial costs. Add to this the more money spent on the actual construction of the ice arena – that in itself suggests the conclusion about the importance of commercial operation of the ice rink. So, where do you start? Of course, I I advise to read the content on our website. In this article, I will not consider issues of financial marketing and management, while only dwell on the seasonality of work and the impact of weather conditions. Operation of the ice rink, especially if it involves a return on investment in a short period of time – it’s not easy, but quite interesting. The first concern of outdoor seasonal ice rink.

What is the main difficulty of such an ice rink. First of all – the weather. It’s no secret that the winters in recent years, people do not indulge the middle band consistently frosty weather. During the construction of facility with a skating rink should be a very serious approach to recruitment and selection of refrigeration equipment. We provide services for individual design of the ice arena. It is also possible adaptation of the finished project solutions specifically for your needs. This option can significantly reduce the financial burden on the starting stage of your business plan.

CCTV Systems

CCTV Systems

There is the following gradation of theft at retail outlets. If the loss is less than 0.3% of turnover – it's good steal 0.3-0.5% – ok, but if the figure is over a 1.5%, to urgently address the complex security company. RISK FACTORS We consider in more detail the common causes of losses directly attributable to the store as commercial enterprise, several groups of risk factors. The first group of risk factors include the type of store, which is composed of three components: first, a system of organization of trade (the counter self-service), and secondly, the type of goods sold. No need to explain that in a furniture store level of risk of loss of visitors is much lower than in a supermarket or grocery store self-service.

Third, focus on a particular client. Of course, in elite boutiques frequency of theft less than in large supermarkets, but the damage is sometimes much more. According to estimates of national experts the main characteristics of the so-called "hot goods" include: the ability to quickly hide the goods, value, utility uvorovannoy products; a quick sale, private pleasure of using (in the case "Stealing for themselves.") The second group of risk factors favor the absence of professional, trained staff to monitor goods and hardware store security products. In today's trade apply the following technical means of security: Access control systems, CCTV, EAS systems, security systems product on the shelves (windows); Mirrors security. Along with these systems are used burglar alarms, fixed and portable emergency call button, a police patrol, it is also impossible to do without systems of rapid communication and alarm systems, support systems (power, security lighting, etc.). The third group of risk factors is the store layout, location of racks, the arrangement of goods. An ideal trading hall can be considered a closed room having an exit through equipped with a cash unit.

The Possibility of SMS

The Possibility of SMS

New technologies bring us novel ways of accessing the information. One of these vectors is the text message from the cell phone, i.e. the transmission of content via sms. Cell phone and text message in particular, have become an integral part of our lives. Already would be inconceivable at this stage in history to think of dispense with this gadget that accompanies us on all sides, and whose oblivion makes us feel helpless. Who not has handled back to his house to discover that the cell phone had forgotten? If we don’t have it with us, we think that we could receive calls and we could not take care of them. In addition, the cell phone is a very personal item.

It is not nice that someone take our cell phone, and browse through messages or contacts. That is private. Therefore, it is the ideal medium to receive the message of the arcana. Tarot SMS will allow us to achieve readings accurate, specific, and greater privacy. The tarot by text message is simply one more way of accessing the desired knowledge.

It is completely controllable by the consultant, who can read it while taking public transportation, or while you are at work, or in any circumstance, because nobody else than him know it. Arises a doubt, that it is imperative to clear quickly and efficiently? It is necessary to make a decision and we need to have an idea of what fate has in store for us? Us assails a moment of uncertainty? As the tarot by text message is the solution. Free Tarot is a portal about esotericism and fortune-telling, created by Tarot readers and natural seers, with the purpose of having a direct communication channel with the community interested in these momentous issues. On this site it will be possible to discover a range of resources, both for fans as for professionals that are dedicated to reading tarot cards, because here you can find the latest news from the sector, information essential to stay current at all times.

Personal Efficiency Small Business Owner

Personal Efficiency Small Business Owner

If you want to have your business, then be prepared for what must be able to do everything. From the side it seems – to hire people they do work, and the only money to consider. In fact, to evaluate the effectiveness of hired personnel, should himself to understand and know their area. How to evaluate an accountant, not knowing even basic accounting? How to calculate gas mileage for drivers, if you do not know the application rate? How can I be sure that the printer is not overstated the cost of the layout and printing of flyers and catalogs? In all, always have to go into yourself, constantly , ask questions, and hope that someone will do it for you. We must develop the skills of clear questions. Ability break through the bs, the silence, excuses and evasions. We must often ask questions and get answers, be able to listen to people and not be afraid to show your ignorance. Learn from the pros, those who can think clearly and clearly set out. Any activity and any work can be reduced to a simple and understandable to any explanations. Ability to get those answers – that is the path to personal performance leader. Learn more about ideas for business is available here