It was, thus, the Hinterland more ' ' ilhado' ' , more moved away from the progressos that if made more in the developed region. (ANDRADE, p.197). For its subdesenvolvimento, through the large estate owner who does not cultivate nor it tolerates that they move in its lands, and still the rigidity of the climate, everything confuses the life of sertanejo that, although to be a fort, not fight against so great adversity. It remains then the choice to abandon the native territory in search of new possibilities in the spaces metropolitans next, to the axle River – So Paulo. In such way, abandoning the Region, provoking the growth of lack of man power in the field and becoming populated the cities, agglomerating in the slum quarters of Rio De Janeiro, So Paulo, $fortaleza, Recife and Salvador.
The REGION OF the HINTERLAND Possessing an extensive area, that corresponds to the northeast interior, the Hinterland encloses approximately in a million of squared kilometers and uniform is not presented. In the smoothed regions it appears the done criatrio in extensive and rudimentary way. The humid cultivos where are possible to install an agriculture of very simple subsistence? roas? exclusively destined to the local population. In the same way, using to advantage humid lands left by the rivers that dry when of the time of the estiagem, it becomes ebb tide agriculture. In accordance with ANDRADE, on the importance of the agriculture of ticket for the Hinterland affirms. It occupied agriculture small areas, a time that was done aiming at to the supplying of the population of each ' ' curral' ' , and in the places most humid, more favorable, where the ground were thicker, as the riverbeds and the dry lagoons; they also cultivated its tributary and riverbed San Francisco, to the ratio that lowering of waters left discovered ' ' praias' ' islands; they were, therefore, ebb tide cultures. .