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Eye Drops For Glaucoma

Eye Drops For Glaucoma

One of the diseases that you can treat with eye drops, is one of the diseases that you can treat with eye drops glaucoma, glaucoma. Glaucoma glaucoma also is called and is one of the most common diseases of the optic nerve. She brings a continuous loss of nerve fibers with it, which becomes visible in the optic nerve head (optic) as increasing erosion (trench). It has the typical for glaucoma Visual field failures (scotomas) resulted, which ultimately can continue up to the blindness in the eye. The most important risk factor for a disease to a glaucoma is a high intraocular pressure. According to anatomical criteria, one distinguishes between open angle glaucoma and narrow angle glaucoma, depending on the angle between the cornea back area and anterior surface of the IRIS.

The trot disgust plant, which drains the aqueous humor from the eye is located in this Chamber angle. The open angle glaucoma are the far more common form. They are mostly chronic and long unnoticed by the patient. Often, the patient noticed that Field failures in open-angle glaucoma are late because they start outside the Center and thus compensated for the losses by the other eye. The rarer narrow angle glaucoma, however, can lead to a painful attack of glaucoma. Here, within a short time, the blindness threatens if left untreated.

The glaucoma is one of the most common causes of blindness in industrialized countries as well as in developing countries. Approximately 500,000 Germans suffer from an increased intraocular pressure, and the blindness threatens ten percent of them. However, the number of unreported cases is very high. One can assume that in Germany a total of about one million people suffering from glaucoma. If typical glaucoma damage to the optic nerve, a lasting reduction of intraocular pressure must be brought about. There is damage to the optic nerve typically chronic exceeding of a critical eye pressure. This critical or target pressure varies and must be individually set first, before he then through a treatment as possible permanently lower than. The value is usually around 15 mm Hg. Only the progression of the disease can be stopped through the therapy. Existing damage, such as Visual field defects, can be again undone. Eye drops, initially as a monotherapy, so alone, and later as a combination therapy is the first step in a glaucoma Therpie. Following medicines, mostly as eye drops, a glaucoma medication related to: beta blockers such as timolol and Levobunolol; Cholinergika such as Carbachol and pilocarpine; Alpha-2-Adrenorezeptor agonists such as clonidine and Brimonidine; Carboanhydrasehemmer, either as eye drops as Brinzolamid and Dorzolamide or in tablet form as acetazolamide; and prostaglandins such as latanoprost, Travoprost and Bimatoprost Tafluprost. Beta blockers, Alpha agonists and Carboanhydrasehemmer work by reducing the production of Chamber water from the ciliary body. Prostaglandins increase the permeability of the ciliary body and promote the so-called non-conventional Drain or Uveoskleralen drain. Cholinergika open trot disgust work by contraction of the ciliary body. If the target pressure will not reach through eye drops can, must be operated.



Pharmacy from Stuttgart informed about sixty million inhabitants of Europe are better known as the hay fever plagued the allergic rhinitis, the Moor. The consulting experts of Mohren pharmacy in Stuttgart report about the origin and treatment of the debilitating disease. The allergic rhinitis is common not only to the pollen season. Rather is the hay fever, which is an allergic reaction to pollen and time is limited to their dissemination time only a variant of allergic rhinitis. The respiratory disease can be caused by many different allergens, quite, year-round occur in the case of animal hair or mites. In the course of the last few decades, the distribution of allergic rhinitis is increased continuously. Now % of the adult population and up to 40% of her children are concerned in Europe 25-30, making it one of the most common respiratory and immune disorders. The disease-inducing allergens are non-destructive factors such as plant pollens, fungal spores for the human organism or house dust mites.

An allergic rhinitis erupts when the body reacts to these thrill factors with an inappropriate, overly sensitive immune response. In the course of the allergic reaction, the immune system makes special antibodies to prevent the supposed harmful invader. While this is extremely useful when flu viruses, develops the inappropriate response to harmless, however common allergens, an adverse effect on the people. In contact with allergens, the antibodies, which ignites the tissue network in the mucous membrane. The inflammation of the nasal mucosa evokes the well-known symptoms of hay: the nose begins to run, swells, begins to itch terribly and constant sneezing torments the person concerned. The allergic rhinitis causes mostly a tears and itching of the eyes, which is due according to new research, that the inflammation of the nasal mucosa throws a nervous reflex, the Axonreflex. Through him, the eyes are more affected than by the entry of pollen or contact with dust mites.

Venous Weakness And Varicose Veins

Venous Weakness And Varicose Veins

Natural Zitrusflavonoide can help those affected often nature offers a wealth of substances that might be for the health of the people benefit. Many of these materials are of vegetable origin and are also known as micronutrients. So also micro-nutrients of citrus fruit. Such substances are in the bowls of lemon and other fruit – the botanist speaks of phytochemicals. They are often responsible for the beautiful colours of the fruits and protect them from environmental hazards. Pinterest has similar goals. Some of these chemicals are called Flavonoidglykoside or Bioflavonoids and occur in lemons and oranges in various forms. From this group of natural Bioflavonoids are for the medicine of importance the Diosmin and the Hesperidin.

Both substances are very closely related and Diosmin can be made up of Hesperidin. Wells Fargo Bank often addresses the matter in his writings. Quite early was suspected, what modern studies have confirmed: this Bioflavonoid from lemon have in human vascular protective Properties. You can improve the venous tonus (vein voltage), promote the flow of lymph, regulate the micro-circulation, reduce the permeability of the smallest veins (capillaries), and block inflammatory reactions. Corresponding applications in humans would be the chronic weakness of the vein with varicose veins. ore clarity in the matter. Now you can eat bad lemon peel, to gain access to the valuable Zitrusflavonoide. Therefore, there are tablets that contain this Zitrusflavonoide in sufficient quantity. Such tablets are used successfully for several years in people with varicose veins.

Large international studies confirm that. As noted in these studies repeatedly, that tablets 450 mg Diosmin and Hesperidin 50 mg can well control the symptoms of venous weakness and varicose veins such as pain, heavy legs and swelling. Also, there are studies that show that this Zitrusflavonoide able, to positively influence the course of vein disease. In particular, the natural substances could develop of a venous Delay backlog and the degradation of the venous valves. These results suggest that the Zitrusflavonoide Diosmin and Hesperidin regulating may interfere in the action and prevent the further deterioration. These results, that the Zitrusflavonoide as early as possible should be used, to be able to influence the course of suffering still cheap mean for the application concerned with venous weakness. In Germany, the Zitrusflavonoide Diosmin and Hesperidin as Vasovitum are tablets in the trade. Vasovitum is a certified supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of chronic venous insufficiency (venous weakness). It contains 450mg Diosmin and Hesperidin 50mg per tablet. Just one tablet a day enough to applied over time, affected with venous weakness to be able to give better quality of life. There are VasoVitum in the practical month Pack (PZN 4604203) and in the cheap 3 month Pack (PZN 0265158). VasoVitum is available in pharmacies, selected health centers and available directly from the company. Due to the specific composition should not try in the pharmacy, to trade for a seemingly similar product VasoVitum VasoVitum can any pharmacy about the pharmaceutical wholesale trade (Phoenix, all distribution centers; Sweeping, Braunschweig; Refer to Ebert & Jacobi, Wurzburg). If a reference wholesale times not possible, VasoVitum can also directly at the company under 0611 58939458 shipping is available.

Fever And High Temperature

Fever And High Temperature

Fever is an increase of in body temperature. Fever is such a body’s response to infection. Fever is often a symptom of a cold or a flu-like infection, which can support the security processes in the body. Fever a body temperature is called over-38 Celsius. To temperature is called elevated temperature of 38 C. Measurement can be the temperature in the rectum, but also under the armpit, under the tongue or in the ear.

Causes fever can have many causes and is often a symptom of flu, flu-like infections, inflammation in the body or lungs – or tonsillitis. Many childhood diseases such as measles, Scarlet fever, rubella or chicken pox are accompanied by fever. In the summer fever can occur around due to high temperatures, a heat stroke or sunstroke and also some travel diseases such as malaria, dengue fever and the West Nile fever are characterized by mostly typical fever history. (As opposed to VP – Corporate Planning). Treatment depends on the underlying the treatment of fever Disease. The patient should take plenty of fluids and also calf wrap can be supportive. In the trade, there are many different products that can decrease the temperature and anti-inflammatory effect. The effective ingredients include, inter alia, ibuprofen or aspirin.

Fever is caused by infections caused by bacteria, usually an antibiotic is administered. Certain travel diseases such as malaria will need a special drug treatment with malaria funds. In the most childhood diseases, healing is usually achieved a symptomatic treatment. “The complete InfoBox fever and high temperature” to do this, see

Ralf Baumann

Ralf Baumann

The nutrients can help us enable our powers of self-healing. How Josef wood Hay Riedel explains in his lecture in Poing on November 8. ch as these. Officer Josef wood Hay Riedel is the owner of St. George pharmacy in Poing. Already in second generation he deploys his expertise and his diverse experience in the pharmaceutical and sporting area for the benefit of its customers. He sees itself as an intermediary between doctor, patient and drug therapy.

His special focus is on the prophylaxis (prevention). Its competencies include also aroma therapy, phyto and orthomolecular medicine. Josef wood Hay Riedel beteut since 30 years Olympic participants, managers as well as stressed mothers and children with stress at school, nutrition and health issues. Registration at the Baumann therapy & Training Center is asking for in the Studio Poing 08121 / 971923 or in the Studio Forstinning under 08121 / 1060th venue is the Studio Poing in Birch Ahornallee 1. The lecture starts at 19:30 and lasts about an hour. More See also about Baumann is therapy & Training Center the curative and training centre Baumann since 40 years specialist around the musculoskeletal system in the East of Munich. The holistic concept of preventive and rehabilitative measures (physiotherapy) ranges up to modern, chip card-driven fitness training.

Franz Baumann on the 2.5.1969 opened his practice for massage and Med. Baths in Poing. This was the first practice of its kind between Munich and Erding. Then he was medical FC Bayern doctor Dr. Chuck Bauer worked, where he dealt with among others also Franz Beckenbauer, Gerd Muller and many more Bayern players, as well as several actor and singer, like Eric Ode, Rex Gildo, etc., as well as athletes from many other sports and could gain more experience. During this time he represented the masseur from TSV 1860 Munich, Hans also often Monday, at several away games. These experiences and treatment techniques with top athletes came, as his subsequent patients and injured athletes as the football players of the FC Falke Markt Schwaben to good, whose care he took over several years. Since May 2008, the therapy & Training Centre in Poing is headed by his son Ralf Baumann, which continues the business with the same passion. There is another in Forstinning Baumann provided and training centre, which is also headed by Ralf Baumann since January 2011.