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Social Forum

Social Forum

They will continue discussing the proposals that have been treated have been in common a great rear Assembly. Some of them, for example, included the reformulation of the Constitution on the basis of the concept that sovereignty belongs to the people; improved communication – internal – see faces, unless spokesmen and every one or two months and external, both very necessary; a decentralization that everything will not move in Madrid; etc. Much has been said also of the media and your general self-censorship and create an own news agency, as well as own means to inform, although all of these initiatives, simple sketches, are not developed and not consensual. Banners, backpacks and bicycles were the hand luggage of the outraged, some of whom have come accompanied by their dogs or carrying baby carts. An information booth was responsible for guiding the lost and another picked emails electronic assistants to perform a mapping to improve coordination. In the trees hung posters of mobilizations in the mountains of Leon or on the beach this summer. The megaphones, to lack of speakers and microphones, were returning to acquire protagonism.

The Assembly of strategies, part of the activities of this Sunday in retirement, began at 15 h, already with some television cameras present, on the basis of a concrete proposal from the city of Granada. A few thousand people have heard initiatives related to the system of decision-making in local assemblies or harmonization of protocols of mobilizations for the coming months and deal with the media. All the proposals that have not taken place due to the lack of time, will be Monday in the 1st Social Forum of 15-M. After the demonstration, hikers ahead them another night. Source of the news: indignant throughout Spain share their strategies before the demonstration in Madrid

Spanish Foundation

Spanish Foundation

In Spain, shooting stars, the Perseids, and eclipses are astronomical events star that is more usually enjoy. Others, like the Aurora Borealis, are more reserved to other places on the planet. There are websites dedicated to the live broadcast, these days, this phenomenon of great color and beauty. List: the spectacle of the Aurora Borealis. Many are those who dare to see astronomical events, especially in summer, live and direct.

Shooting stars and eclipses, the most common phenomena for residents in Spain. However, a spectacle like the Aurora Borealis are reserved, in its greatest splendor, to other places on the planet. Now, those wishing to see a live, can do from the Internet, via the portal, where Cyclops and Shelios groups, with additional funding from various sponsors, facilitate the most curious phenomena like this track. Since August 21 and until this 29 Aurora Borealis he broadcasts live from Greenland, from 3.30 pm to 3.45 pm UTC + (hour Peninsular 2), accompanied by another series of videos (like which accompanies the news) where made explanations on this phenomenon. This portal emits all kinds live astronomical events. To do so it uses technology Flowplayer. Similarly, insert videos from YouTube with recordings of the last direct. These emissions can also be followed on the website of the Spanish Foundation for science and technology. Source of the news: enjoy live, wherever you are, the phenomenon of the Aurora Borealis

Jose Ramon Pin

Jose Ramon Pin

Crisis squeezes and autonomy are in accordance with the belt. The fall of incomes, difficulties to borrow and the taboo of raising taxes with the general elections just around the corner have led communities to get the teeth into spending. With a total debt of 121.420 billion euros (11.4% of national GDP), regions placards until end of year over 5,000 million, probably the greatest tijeretazo ever announced in less time: the past three months. Adjustments to prey on public works and infrastructure and still go on tiptoe, in the majority of cases, through social games, the Achilles heel of the political. I believe that education and health will not be touched, but regions could start talking about initiatives as the co-payment to the Italian pay 10 euros per inquiry, expected Jose Ramon Pin, Institute of higher business studies (IESE). Source of the news:: communities prepare a great tijeretazo of 5,000 million.

Maria Flores

Maria Flores that Villanueva oficiase wedding, himself or Jose Maria Flores, the Manager, had to request it as well. Already this week he had left a photograph of Vice-Mayor with Miguel Angel Flores, brother of Maria Jose and owner of Diviertt. Villanueva had said that only had a relationship of knowledge since flowers that had coincided in a public ceremony. On Tuesday, the Ayuntamiento of Madrid announced that they will sue the company for lying. Chronology of research Who’s who in the tragedy of the Madrid Arena.

The current Vice Mayor of Madrid, Miguel Angel Villanueva, was who married last year to Jose Maria Flores, brother of Miguel Angel Flores, who are sole administrator and owner of Diviertt, the promoter of the macrofiesta of Halloween in the Madrid Arena, which resulted in four deaths, according to La Gaceta and El Mundo. Jose Maria Flores was who signed the contract with Madrid Espacios y Congresos for rental of the Madrid Sand. Last week it came to light a photograph of Villanueva with Miguel Angel Flores, but number two Ana Botella said before the cameras of the sixth had only a relationship of knowledge with him, due to who had coincided at some public events. However, the fact that oficiase the wedding does not indicate the same thing. Usually the person who officiates wedding in Madrid is the Councillor for district, except that the person who is going to enter into marriage or the own officiant ask not so due to a relationship of friendship. When flowers wedding occurred, Villanueva was Councillor of economy and not a district, so he or flowers had to ask that it was he who oficiase the wedding. On Tuesday, Villanueva said they would denounce Diviertt since they had lied to the city of Madrid. See more: the Madrid Vice-Mayor married to the sole administrator of Diviertt