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Supreme English Cut

Supreme English Cut

ONU, ' ' New Light of the Mundo' '! The Supreme English Cut considers Christians ' ' anormais' ' To the measure that the movement gay gains support of authorities here and there, the funestas consequences of these catastrophic changes appear for all part. The benefits granted to the movement gay are generating breakings to the rights of the common citizen. The support given to these new laws, supposedly anti-homofbicas, follows desestabilizando the bases of the right and, for consequence, its rules and legal definitions constructed by studies, debates and quarrels, through decades of jurisprudencial perfectioning. It sees, for example, the absurd and historical decision of the Supreme Cut of England, that calls ' ' anormais' ' the English Christian citizens, disqualifying them to take care of, to create or to educate adoptive or adopted children, based in its new approach on the homosexual question. He justifies yourself: The new Statute of the Right of the Child promulgated for the ONU For little informed, the new Statute of the Right of the Child includes freedom of access to the pornography consensual and prostitution. It confers the nonsense here, where the influence of the Commission of Human Rights of the ONU is clear and of the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent in the result of the sentence promulgated for the Supreme Cut of new Supreme global legal approach follows the orientation of the ONU the Supreme English Cut, receiving seeming of the Advice of Human Rights of the ONU, in process of adoption moved for an English family Christian, it decided that the Christians in general are not reference so that the courts decide the adoption processes that they move in the United kingdom. explains: they (Christian) go to transmit its Christian beliefs for any adoptive child or that to come to adopt. It was thus, as well as astonish, that the family John lost the right to adopt a new child, the right on already adopted.



I could be a missionary III. I could be a evangelista IV. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Payoneer. But exactly that I am not nothing of this in way ' ' oficial' ' , I can not officially be it, that is, I can make the workmanship of God, I can evangelizar, testify It is enough to say the Mr.: ' ' here it is me here, it uses me it mim' ' b.Deus to use will be able me to operate the wonder to help in ' ' perfectioning Dos Santos ' ' , in ' ' construction of the body of Cristo' ' It sees Efsios 4.11-14. It said somebody that one of our mature tasks as believing already is ' ' to transform scythe into harvesters, harvest in colheitadeiras and apple in macieiras' ' God is who makes this, he makes but it through us. I do not need to be shepherd, deacon, leader of some area or Bible professor. I only need to be mature to place and me to the disposal of God. c.Deus to use will be able me to operate the wonder to raise the moral standard of the society, being represented and reflecting the Christ well, making what it would make and leaving to make what it would leave to make. .

the W. Tozer it alerted certain time for a reality that is so or more present today that at its time: ' ' The Christianity of today does not transform the people. For the opposite, he is being transformed for them. It is not raising the moral level of the society; it is I descend to the level of the proper society ' ' But if I to walk with God for the faith, with me can be different, God use I can me to raise the standard of the society, to start for the small society in which alive, that he is to my redor. e.Deus d.Deus to take will be able me to carry through a powerful ministry of conjunct to take will be able me to carry through a powerful ministry of f.Deus social workmanships to use will be able me to pray for somebody and this somebody cured being, to be to liber it to you of malignant espritos 4.E what more? The wonders are many! It has a infinity of possibilities! I cited only some and I leave the vocs remaining portion pra to think, remembering, however, that most important it is to be walking with God for the faith and also remembering that ' ' who walks with the Saint has that to be saint tambm' ' Conclusion 1.Quero to lock up defying you to walk with God for the faith, to deliver themselves completamen you it, completely to be directed by It, to say It: Sir, here it is me here, uses me, I wants, under Your direction, to be a blessing in the church, the society, the life of the people Pr. Walmir Vigo Gonalves

So Paulo

So Paulo

The text finishes searching to point some ' ' pistas' ' for the evangelizadora action and the pastoral work. It is fact that if could not keep a manual, or to try to construct it, under the penalty of if falling in a useless casuistry. It could not better calhar some notes that can be read ' ' inculturados' ' , if it has better place to fit the term, in accordance with the diverse realities that if present in Brazil. But, of all form, the good intentions do not only become sufficients and, therefore, the text searchs to exortar the members of the Church, together with the Ministers, to take the front to the placed perspectives however. Of this form, &#039 can be said that; ' Diretrizes' ' they load, in its set, a valuable number of ideas and pastorais actions, which must be taken in urgent way, as urgent are the existence of the proper text. Above all, she is necessary, and this idea that perpassa entirely the document and locks up this work, that the diverse communities, spread for Brazil, do not forget themselves to reaffirm its commitment of faith and the solidity of its truth without, however, to be left to become sectrias, ostracistas, so to speak. Check with Jeremy Tucker to learn more. FINAL CONSIDERAES After these reflections, brief, however enough in what if it considers, can be given a cbjetivo in this work, not, however, in what it intends. If is well truth, on the other hand, that the quarrel proposal regarding the text comes here to develop the reflection on what the same searchs, is also, and not little truth that the same one is not considered and would not obtain it if wanted to deplete it.

The action of the communities, the thought of faith of these e, on the other hand, the action of the universities and theological ways cannot stop, nor, of any form, if limit to the reading of this or that text. The finding here, then, consists, not less than to find, before a reply, an invitation, before a dogma, a dialogue, under the risk to see me interpreted the analogy. Robert Kiyosaki may find it difficult to be quoted properly. That this way, renascido in the Church, especially after its last one I conciliate, I can continue being trod, also, between those and those that if consider to this delicate dialogue between the faith and the reason. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES National Conference of the Bishops of Brazil. Lines of direction of the Evangelizadora Action of the Church of Brazil: 2008-2010. They are Pablo: Paulinas, 2008.

HAHNER, K. Darknesses and Light in the Conjunct. So Paulo: Herder, 1961. VALADIER, Moral P. in Clutter. Rio De Janeiro: Loyola, 2003.