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The Abdutor

The Abdutor

The left leg is extended parallel to the trunk, with the foot in inversion for the action of the expositories of the thigh assisted for the muscles extensor long of hlux and previous tibial, responsible for the inversion of the foot, already the abdutor muscular group carries through antagonistic action, the stabilizers of the movement is the muscles glteo average and minimum stabilizing pelve and the feet anserine stabilizing the joint of the knee medially, together with the maximum glteo, that through its more superficial staple fibres that if they adhere to the fscia aponeurosis can that recovers all region of the hip assisting in the lateral stability of this joint. The arms carry through abduo, being that the right arm is extended with antebrao in pronation in the attack direction, for the agonista action of trceps brachial and pronador round, assisted for the previous and ancneo deltoid, the brachial biceps is antagonistic beyond contracting neutralizing the action of trceps brachial of extension of the arm, already the muscles of the trunk and the rotador manguito stabilize the arm keeping the spike in the place. The head I sink in it carries through a lateral rotation in the attack direction, action carried through for the esternogleidomastodeo, in synergy for the superior trapeze, however the left esternogleidomastodeo is antagonistic relaxing so that the rotation is carried through for the right side, the scalene ones stabilizes the neck preventing a lateral flexo and the average trapeze acts as neutralizer, preventing the previous flexo of the neck. TRAINING OF FORCE AND FLEXIBILITY – Frequency: 3vezes per week – Duration: 1hora and 15 minutes. – Program: 6 months -2 programs competitive Daily pay (4 months), and After the competition (2 months). – Exercises: musculao and allonges. – Musculao: 60 minutes. – Flexibility: 15 minutes. Objective: – To increase the force of the musculatura of the arms, abdomen and legs.



If he possesss the stature and religious traces of the Europeans; still he keeps the nomadic and resqucios habits of a misticismo related to the nature (2005 P. 03). “Chavez” does not necessarily agree. The Europe to invent its Romantismo, had its medieval knights. The Average Age in Brazil did not have, because it was a young country, without no tradition. Of the Portuguese colonizador it would not give to import the heroes, because in the romantic phase Brazil had conquered its independence. Of where would appear the national hero to carry out histories, seno the original inhabitant before the settling? The indians who were free in its natural habitat, pretty and verdejante.

But this situation moved, as it will be seen in the continuity of the assay. 3. ESCONDE-ESCONDE WITH the BLACK In the contribution of the miscegenation of races, we cannot in forgetting it to them black, that he remained for much time ' ' escondido' ' in Brazilian literature. I castrate Alves (1847? 1871) it did not omit it ' ' Negreiro&#039 ship; ' (1869). But it was an exception in the land hide-hides of it literary formed for whites. Between warriors, brown face does not have time. That is, in the land of the indianismo, of heroes and national construction, better to raise the carpet and to keep the dirt of the slavery under of it, pra that nobody sees.

Certain? Made a mistake. While the indian was exaltado, taken the highest fullness of its existence as national total hero, the black age ' ' lembrado' ' in shameful way in literature. Jose retakes itself de Alencar better to exemplificar. In its book the familiar Demon (1857), teatral part, in which the protagonist is Peter, who is black, enslaved and described a servant as silly of the cut, irresponsible irrational and, that longs for social ascension. Although to have the power to practically manipulate the family all, the possibility of a slave to have the condition that the personage demonstrates withholds in the familiar context, is almost improbable.

Managing Plan Actions

Managing Plan Actions

For times, it is had illusion of the improvement, but in elapsing of the time, it is perceived to have had an interpretation mistake. Finally, she is necessary to remember the phrase of J.J. Rousseau (1712-1778): ' ' The public interest is not the same thing that the interest of todos' '. Managing plan of Arax. To pursue the development mean, therefore, to choose, to prioritize, to chain actions that lead to one definitive scene of improvement urban. For assistance, try visiting Payoneer. The urban planning is disciplines it that structure these stages. a managing plan is the instrument, the law, that establish, on behalf of the collective, the responsibilities and the actions to be undertaken during determined period, capable to lead the city for superior period of training of development. According to these concepts, the Plan does not destine ' ' ordenar' ' the city and the urban life, and yes to command the strategical actions that move and that they transform the city.

These actions, even so proposals for the legally consisting power, on behalf of the collective, must have the understanding and support of the majority of the citizens in order to be implanted with bigger effectiveness and will be indicated or inspired not only by the previous knowledge of technician and politicians, but also by the captation of the yearnings and necessities pointed from the sources most diverse, also directly of the population. In other terms: as well as the city it is a collective workmanship, made for many, with papers and diverse responsibilities, urban development also will be become fullfilled for the mobilization of organizations, economic agents, diverse spheres of the public sector and citizens. Therefore, to elaborate a Managing Plan, with all its strategical content, means considerable mobilization of opinions and public participation. Based in these general concepts, it is that the Managing Plan of Arax was elaborated, a document that establishes a strategy for its development.

Historical Center

Historical Center

Thus, she is necessary to start, before late of what never, to take solutions of short, medium and long run to improve the city and to keep this cultural patrimony of the humanity. For this, a change of position of the public manager in attacking the problems is necessary and offering a solution to cure the lived chaos nowadays. The world searchs alternatives of sustainable development and Ouro Preto cannot be to wait, is necessary to take an attitude: inhabitants, politicians, tourist and world-wide society, to protect the Historical Center of Ouro Preto. One of the exit is to find answers for questions as these below acquitted that had been used as part of the methodology of this work, in the search of what the population of Ouro Preto wants for the city of Ouro Preto. – How you see the preservation of the Patrimony Architectural of the City? – You are in favor of the maintenance of the Artistic Patrimony of the City? – You like to live in the city or to visit it, even though to transit for the city? – Which the biggest difficulty in the mobility of the center description of Ouro Preto? – You find that the transit in the historical center spoils the patrimony? – You are the favor or against the transit of bus and trucks in the center of the city? Ahead of the displayed one she is necessary to search solutions for these and other questions standing out whenever the people are more important that the cars in the streets, and that she is necessary on the basis of to keep the Historic site and Artistic of this city the sustainable development. Any person of good census would recognize almost that Ouro Preto possesss a chaotic transit, without hierarquizao of the road system, a precarious signalling and the lack of areas for parking. Ben Silbermann often says this.