The Actors
When constantly remember the past, we demoralize the people who are trying to change. What happened in the past can not be changed. By focusing on a future that may be better (as opposed to a past that can not), partners help improve your customer. This process is called feedforward instead of feedback. 2) Be helpful and supportive, not cynical, sarcastic or judge. As part of the coaching process the client, must involve their colleagues and asked them for help. If the client reaches the main stakeholders and feel punished for trying to improve, usually will try.
You can not blame, since none of us will work hard to build relationships with people who will not give it a try. If co-workers are helpful and supportive, the client increases the motivation and experience will be much more likely to improve. 3) Tell the truth. It is good to work with a client, you receive a brilliant report of key stakeholders to make a 360 and then know that any of the actors said, "He really has not improved, although I said that." This is not fair to the customer for the company or the coach. 4) Choose something to improve itself. The client must be open with their peers about what is going to change. As part of the process, the customer must ask for suggestions to their peers. Tambiendebe ask interested parties to turn to choose something to make suggestions and ask the client to do so. This makes the whole process of "two way" instead of "one way." Help stakeholders who act as "fellow travelers" who are trying to improve, and not as "judges" hired to judge the behavior of client.