Tiergarten Association
What you can not sell gives us. Due to the high demand and the large positive acceptance within the social institutions, the cultural operators and the population, Berlin on April 16, 2010 at 12:00 noon in the district Tiergarten Association by the cultural Lodge is invited to the press conference. “Give what you can not sell us.” Cultural events of all types free of charge for people with low incomes. The cultural lodge Berlin free? allows people with low incomes free visiting of cultural events. Goal is that GA? ste, often isolated living by long unemployment and low income, fu? r a short time forget their troubles ko? can and again a normal part of society be ko? tonnes. The principle: what you don’t sell ko gives us? nnt, social engagement represents for the Berlin culture enterprises with sense and mind.
At the cultural operators are at the same time entrepreneurial thinking (sales, marketing, and public relations) and the possibility in the social / society addressed to engage. For whom is the cultural lodge Berlin: full-time working people/families, their purchases of not living ko? tonnes, retirees with basic security, people who receive unemployment benefits / Hartz IV, families and single Mu? leaves with mini-jobs, as well as people who are supported by LOAF and soul. Social facilities that make with: Godfather model management through work the Diakonie, the Berlin Board e.V., district Zoo Association, Moab advice e.V., the brush e.V. and many more. Cultural operators participating: Admiral Palace, thistle, arena, Wu? hlma? use, KOMO? to the Ku? damm, Kammermusiksaal of the Philharmonie, Galli theater, BU? hnenRausch, homeland Neuko? lln, Literaturhaus Berlin, temporary art Hall, nonsense Comedey Club and many more. Press contact: Tanja fabric Samuel Enckestr. 4a, 10969Berlin Phone:+49(0)30-65704522