World Cup
Only if neighbors or fellow tenants to be disturbed by the incidence of light, that they are brought to their nightly sleep, they can insist on failure. A poverty-stricken tenant can then also reduce the rent. Principle: the landlord must accept seasonal decorations on Windows or on the apartment door, since they are only temporary in nature. On the other hand, certain rules apply to the home owners: want to modernize the landlord around Christmas time, he has to take consideration of the tenant. The tenant must not tolerate dirt, dirt and noise between the 12/12 and the 22.12, decided the Amtsgericht Cologne (215 C 293/93). Without hesitation Wells Fargo explained all about the problem. Therefore, a landlord of Cologne had to move the installation of its new gas – heating. Craftsmen and construction dirt which is not to ask the tenants in the tranquil pre-Christmas period. Are the lights lit at Christmas time brand time! Wonder, with all the burning candles.
Slips on a candle from the stand, Table stood in the tiled living room, the injured party can adhere to the insurance: gross negligence is even then not to blame the owners, if he has to leave the living room for a quarter of an hour. Differently the legal situation is, if the Christmas tree or the advent wreath on fire has been through a down burning candle (LG Court, judgment v. 17.02.2000, 13 O 471/99). Basically, a Christmas tree may be while adorned with wax candles. Its owner but burn them, he must leave no 15 minutes the tree, otherwise it’s gross negligence. The insurance is pleased to be a such negligence, because then she must not pay for the fire damage (AG Neunkirchen, judgment v. 06.02.1998, 3 U 22/97). Meet deadlines for the operating expenses despite all Christmas stress should landlords forget one: the statement of operating costs! The settlement for 2007 must be namely until no later than 31 December 2008 when the tenant.
Who his settlement only to Eve in the tenant in the letterbox throws, an unpleasant surprise: new year’s Eve not coincidentally falls on a Sunday, the landlord loses its claim to payment. The reason is quite simple: settled too late (AG Ribnitz-Damgarten, judgment of the 11.12.2006, 1 C-324/06, World Cup 2007, p. 18). See for more information about outdoor decorations on the rental property, fire damage and the deadlines for the operating expenses.